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It had all happened so quickly.

The nightmare first, this time more vivid and more brutal than ever. Mostly because it was of Mr. Weasley. Gene remembered the reflection of a snake, as though they were one, and then striking Mr. Weasley several times, as if it were her. That was the worst part. She had wondered if it really was her at a point. Her stomach lurched as he sat up, a sheen of sweat glistening across her exposed skin.

She found McGonagall and Lorelai stood at her bedside before quickly being ushered to Dumbledore's office. Gene had barely caught her breath, her hand clutched to her stomach as she saw Harry, her hand going to hold his. She caught Ron's eye, until he turned away as the rest of the Weasley's sat, waiting for any news about their father.

Her stomach turned. It felt like it was her fault. In some twisted way, it probably was. She had no idea if it was her or the snake. She squeezed Harry's hand tighter, her other hand brushing her hair from her eyesight as she watched Dumbledore turn from portrait to portrait, giving orders, and ignoring Gene.

"Sir, please–" she said for the final time, gaining no response.

"Look at me!" Harry suddenly bellowed, Gene's eyes shutting briefly as she felt something twitch inside her.

Dumbledore froze, turning to both of them now in surprise, and maybe even fear. That might have been the first time he had looked her in the eye since June. And yet, while Gene was hoping for him to do so for so long, she felt the anger boiling in her, her scar scratching beneath the surface.

"What's happening to us?" Harry asked, his tone switching from rage to being utterly terrified. Gene felt his hand grip hers even tighter.

Dumbledore went to turn away, almost in anguish before Snape arrived, Gene practically sensing his presence before he even spoke.

"You wished to see me, Headmaster?" he spoke slowly.

"Yes, Severus. I'm afraid we daren't wait even until morning." Dumbledore returned.

Within moments, Snape had a hand wrapped firmly around Gene and Harry's wrists, dragging them down the spiral steps to the bowels of the castle, where they sat before him in his office.

It was horrible, to be perfectly honest. Being so low underground, Gene practically shivered as she sat in the room, glancing at the hundreds of jars of potion ingredients, and who knew what else.

"Occlumency– the art of magical mind defence. It would appear there is a connection between the Dark Lord's mind and both of your own. Whether he is yet aware of this connection is, for the moment, unclear. Pray he remains ignorant." Snape lifted an eyebrow at the pair.

"So if he knows, he'll be able to read our minds?" Gene asked, her mind working twice as hard to puzzle the pieces together after such a night.

"Read it. Control it. Unhinge it." Snape answered swiftly, "In the past, it was often the Dark Lord's pleasure to invade the minds of his victims, creating visions designed to torture them into madness. Only after extracting the last exquisite ounce of agony- only when he had them begging for death- would he finally kill them." Snape approached the two, "Used properly, the power of Occlumency will help shield you from access or influence. In these lessons, I will attempt to penetrate your minds. You will attempt to resist. Prepare yourself. Genevieve-" he began, raising his wand before performing a spell.

Gene shut her eyes, squeezing tight as she felt the magic practically creep into every crevice of her mind.

The rest of the night was a blur, Gene still not having recovered from her horrible nightmare. She'd bitten all her nails down going nearly insane on the journey back to Grimmauld Place, wondering if Mr. Weasley was alright. They were headed back as soon as possible, via Portkey, while Ron, Ginny and the twins had already gone to see their dad.

THE ANGEL OF WOE | RON WEASLEY [BOOK THREE]Where stories live. Discover now