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"I'm off, Sirius." Aurelia muttered, shrugging her leather jacket on before bending to press a brief kiss to his cheek, "Harry–" she said, gesturing him over to whisper in his ear before kissing the top of his head before finally gesturing for Gene to follow her to the doorway.

"I thought you were coming to the station?" Gene asked, finally noticing the look of unease on her aunts face.

"I've got to go sort some things out." she attempted to smile, but it fell through, "I'll be away for some time, but I'll write as much as I can."

"This is about Grandma, isn't it?" Gene said.

Aurelia's face fell.

"She didn't just die, Aure, you and I both know that. Something else happened to her, and you're going to find out what, aren't you?" she said much quieter now, and Aurelia sighed.

"I'll write as soon as I can." Aurelia pulled her into a final hug before she pressed a kiss to her forehead, standing up straight. "Molly, Arthur? I'm leaving." she called out.

Mr. and Mrs. Weasley appeared in the doorway, the twins and Ron peering over their shoulders, with Hermione and Harry peeking through the remaining gap as they began to wave her off.

"Bye Aurelia." the twins chorused, and she smiled at them.

"Bye, kids. Look after my niece, will you?" she looked between them all, earning her a series of nods. "Alright. Love you, kiddo."

Gene waved Aurelia off, waiting until the door had shut behind her. She turned to Sirius, his eyes softening as he gestured her over.

"She'll be alright, pet." Sirius said, pressing a kiss to her head, "We'll write you as much as we can."

"Will you be okay here? All alone in this– house?" Gene hesitated, not even sure if she could call it that. Sirius laughed, pulling Gene into a last hug as he nodded, and she wrapped her arms around him just as tight.

"Don't you worry about me, my love. I'll be alright. I've got you to keep me company, haven't I?" he procured a photograph of Gene and Harry by the pool from the summer, showing her how he kept it in his pocket.

"Kids! Are we all ready?" Mr. Weasley called from the corridor, and Gene's heart began to sink to her stomach.

"Write me every other week, won't you? Just like before." Sirius said, his voice muffled as he spoke against Gene's hair, pressing a kiss to her crown after every other word.

"Yes." Gene laughed, nodding, "I will." she smiled, wrapping his arms around her once more.

"Okay." he nodded, almost in a daze as he looked over Gene, as though he was memorising her, "Alright, you best head off. I'll miss you, my love." he pressed a final kiss to her forehead, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

Ron and Hermione walked ahead on the platform, hoping to find an empty carriage while they waited for Harry to arrive after his trial. Gene trailed behind slightly, feeling her stomach begin turn as her surroundings began to slow around her, figures blurring. She watched children pass her by, and adults running across the platform until a single figure in the middle of the platform became clear as day.

Gene's breath caught in her throat, feeling as though the air was being squeezed out of her lungs as she stared at Voldemort, looking into his eyes with her own. She regained control over her body and began to blink rapidly, as everything returned to normal and he disappeared.

"Everything okay?" she heard Hermione ask, concern written across her features as Gene mustered a nod, following them into a carriage.

Harry joined them not long after, a similar look of fear and anxiety in his eyes, his skin paled. With one look, he knew what Gene was going through. He always did.

THE ANGEL OF WOE | RON WEASLEY [BOOK THREE]Where stories live. Discover now