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Over forty-eight hours later, Gene's eyes fluttered open to a grey clouds instead of what was once the clear blue skies of France, not long ago, though it felt like a lifetime. The car pulled to a stop on Privet Drive, outside number four, and Gene could feel the life being sucked out of them each second they stayed.

Harry's head lifted from Gene's shoulder, suddenly very much aware of the looming presence of the Dursley's, mere metres away from him. Gene and Aurelia both got out of the car, helping with his suitcase and Hedwig's cage as they walked him to his door where he knocked twice. It opened, Mrs. Dursley looked down her nose at all of them, including Aurelia somehow, who was much taller than her.

"Bye, Harry." Gene said, a sad smile passing her lips before she wrapped her arms around him in a tight hug, and he returned it briefly, because Mrs. Dursley began to sigh obnoxiously.

"Look after yourself, sweetheart." Aurelia pressed a kiss to the top of his head, to which Mrs. Dursley gave a small sound of shock at.

He tugged his suitcase inside along with Hedwig, barely waving them off before the door slammed shut on the Fiordalis'. They looked at one another before begrudgingly making their way back to the car, wishing they could have brought him back home with them.

The gloom seemed to follow them all the way home from Privet Drive, long after they had hauled their suitcases up the four-storey flat, leaving them in their rooms unpacked, before curling up on the sofa together. The phone rang, causing Gene to look to her aunt with a furrow in her brow, because they never got phone calls.

Aurelia stood up, taking the phone in her hands, trembling as she brought it to her ear, "Hello?" she said, Gene's panic only worsening as Aurelia's skin was devoid of all colour. She rushed out of the room, Gene sitting on the edge of the sofa, nails digging into the arm of the sofa as she could hear her muffled voice, but nothing clear enough.

She waited patiently, foot tapping against the wooden floorboards until Aurelia returned to the room, eyes reddened and her cheeks tear-stained. Gene stood to her feet, taking Aurelia's arms and pulling her to sit as she hiccupped, swallowing back tears.

"Aure?" Gene began quietly, her throat going dry.

"Grandma." she whispered, but she didn't have to finish her sentence for Gene to know.

The gloom had most certainly followed them home, all the way from France, as Gene held Aurelia close, the two crying silently in one another's arms as night fell upon them, the moon keeping them company until morning came.


I thought I should let you know that my grandmother passed away last night. I don't know all the details yet, so I can't give you an explanation.

Aurelia's going back to the farm in a few days, sort things out with her house and the funeral, but we have to go to her old house in Godric's Hollow first. Apparently, she left it to us in her will. Your name came up too, actually. We weren't allowed to know what, but Aure said you'll find out soon enough. I hope that's okay.

But strangely enough, that's how Aure found out she passed away. Not a call from the hospital or police, but her solicitor. It's bizarre. All of it. They were acting so odd for the last two weeks, as well. Not the whole time, of course, but enough to make me suspicious.

She liked you a lot, in case you couldn't tell already. I hope all those pictures of your parents she gave you didn't break in your luggage. She was quite close to your dad. I think that's partly why she liked you so much.

I don't have much else to say, to be honest. You don't have to reply to this letter either, if you don't feel like it. I didn't bother telling Ron or Hermione, though, so don't say anything in case they happen to be talking to you again.

THE ANGEL OF WOE | RON WEASLEY [BOOK THREE]Where stories live. Discover now