17. DAD

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Harry brought them to the Ministry easily, having already been for his trial, and they entered through the rather confusing Muggle entrance. It was a phone booth, proving to be quite a tight fit as they all squeezed in, Gene's cheek smushed against the glass, feeling Ginny's elbow poking her lower back.

"That was my ear, Neville!" Hermione cried.


Once they had finally entered an elevator in dead silence. It was almost painful, as the golden grille rumbled open, a voice notifying them that they had arrived to the Department of Mysteries.

"It's this way." Gene hurried down the corridor, following the path from her dreams before stopping at the sight of the black door at the end of the hall.

Her mind was filled with whispers and voices, calling from beyond but she pushed them aside, glancing to Harry with a nod. The door opened into darkness with the group nervously followed Gene and Harry in.

"Lumos." Gene muttered, the tip of her wand alight as the others followed suit.

She glanced around at the rows of high shelves, all lined with orbs that gave off a strange liquid glow, each and every one different to the other.  Gene and Harry took point while the others fall into a formation behind them, making their way through the darkness.

Their wands flared with light but the black void seemed to dim them equally. The only sound that could be heard were their footsteps echoing, soft breathing as they made their way through with their wands extended in their trembling hands. Harry suddenly began to rush forward, leaving Gene behind as he began to count the labels on the end of each row, recognising the desired number from the dream.

He peered around the corner of each shelf, wand extended before returning to face the group. "He should be here." Harry looked around wildly- down row after empty row, before shaking his head to Gene and her stomach turns.

"Guys," Neville's voice carried, causing Gene and Harry's heads to shoot up, finding Neville peering at a glowing sphere high on a shelf, "It's got your names on it." he turned to them.

They looked to each other before approaching the shelf silently, as it lowered to their level, almost as though it was presenting itself to them. Gene took the globe carefully in her hands, a low thrumming sound growing more powerful as it glows brighter. Harry places his own hand atop it as they cradled the sphere, just as Trelawney's voice began to speak-

"The ones with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches. Born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies, and the Dark Lord will mark them as his equals, but they will have power the Dark Lord knows not, and one must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives..."

Gene tore her eyes from the globe, blinking rapidly as she let go while Harry cupped it in his hands safely. They were just about trying to process the words they had been told, when the sound of footsteps in the distance neared.

She turned on her heel, her wand raised as a tall dark figure slowly approached them, silhouetted against the darkness. She stood before the others, Harry at her side as it stepped into the light, presenting a hooded figure with a familiar mask.

"Very good, Genevieve. Potter." the familiar voice of Lucius Malfoy sneered at them. "Now give me the Prophecy.

Gene's eyes widened, her brows furrowed in confusion as she looked wildly around herself.

"Where's Sirius?" she asked firmly, her voice unwavering.

"It's time you learned the difference between reality and dreams. You saw what the Dark Lord wanted you to see. Now hand me the prophecy." Lucius snarled in Harry's direction, and he glanced at the sphere in his hands before returning his glare in Lucius' direction.

THE ANGEL OF WOE | RON WEASLEY [BOOK THREE]Where stories live. Discover now