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The end of Christmas Break came around faster than expected, and for once in her life, Gene hadn't felt the excitement of returning to Hogwarts this time. She felt dread at the mere thought of having to live under Umbridge's rule again, to see the sickening shades of pink pass her in the corridors. The possibility of facing a nightmare without Sirius or Aurelia by her side.

"It feels like we're always saying goodbye." Gene murmured against Sirius' shoulder in a hug, burrowing her head closer to him.

"It won't always be this way." he said, pulling away as he grasped Gene's shoulders to get a final look at her before sending her off, "When all this is over, we'll be a proper family. Me, you, your aunt, Harry– you'll see." he nodded, pressing a kiss to her forehead.

At this, Harry smiled warmly in Gene's direction, just as Aurelia pressed a kiss to his head, saying her goodbyes the same way she would with Gene. If she hadn't already said it a hundred times, Harry was family. That much was clear.

Gene watched Sirius and Harry hug tightly, her heart swelling as she enveloped Aurelia into the tightest hug imaginable. The one thing that never got easier after each departure, was leaving her aunt. But at least now she had Sirius.


The harsh reality of being a part of different houses meant that Gene had once again found herself separated from the others, instead stuck in the common room immediately upon arrival at Hogwarts. She slumped into the sofa by the fire, her chin resting in her hand as she waited for Lorelai to return from wherever she had disappeared to after dinner. Gene imagined she was off with Draco somewhere.

That was until he suddenly occupied the space before her. Gene could only muster a brief glance in his direction, before returning to stare into the fire, wishing Sirius' face would appear amongst the flames. The red embers of ash rose and disappeared into the fireplace, leaving her disappointed each time she saw the flame flare up.

"You've been ignoring me ever since we got back, Fiordalis." Draco muttered, a hint of venom to his voice causing Gene to roll her eyes.

She frowned, still avoiding his eyes though he scoffed in response.

She had half the mind to call him out, with the knowledge she had of his father. That was when realisation began to sink in. There was no way Draco didn't already know about Lucius. Gene felt her world collapsing around her. He must have known. Her stomach turned at the thought.

"Whatever it is I've done-"

"No, Draco." Gene narrowed her eyes at him, standing up, "You don't get it, do you? Leave me alone. Leave my friends alone." she knew that one might have stung, "I mean it." her jaw tensed as she walked away, heading to the portrait hole and ignoring the sinking feeling in her stomach as she did.

She tried not to worry herself over Draco anymore as she made her way up to the Astronomy Tower. That way, she wouldn't know that she was right in thinking that Draco Malfoy had guilt and remorse written all over his features, watching as Gene walked away from him.

Morning came around, and Gene found herself not feeling any less guilty about her conversation with Draco the night before. She managed to walk by him at breakfast without even a glance, ignoring how much it stung her to do so. She doubted it was going to keep him up at night anyways.

"Gene-" Hermione's voice pulled her from her thoughts, her brows furrowed as she was handed todays paper.


That was the headline, along with some waffle from Fudge and then–

"– engineered by a man with personal experience escaping Azkaban: notorious mass-murderer Sirius Black, cousin to escapee Bellatrix Lestrange." Gene scoffed, her jaw tensing as she read the slander, before throwing the paper to the table, where Neville picked it up.

THE ANGEL OF WOE | RON WEASLEY [BOOK THREE]Where stories live. Discover now