Chapter 2

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An hour or so later, Cat's mom called them down for dinner. Salad with onions and tomatoes. Yum. It should probably be mentioned that Cat despised tomatoes with every ounce of her being. She loved tomato sauce though. She gave the tomatoes to Thalia, who loved them, and gagged down the salad. She looked at her dad, who probably ate more than an entire elephant herd could in one sitting. And he did it fast. 

He had his phone in front of him, unfortunately, making her job all the more harder. "Ahem" she cleared her throat. He didn't look up from his phone. "Ahem!" She cleared her throat louder. Her dad made a "mhmm" sound, but still didn't look up from his phone. "DAD!" She yelled. His head shot up, and he blinked at her in confusion. "Mm... Did you say something, Cat?" He asked, in actual confusion. "I've been trying to get your attention for sixty seconds !" She said, glaring at him. He had the decency to give her a sheepish look. "Oh. Sorry. What was it you wanted to say, sweetheart?" Cat rolled her eyes inwardly, and answered. 

"I wanted to show you the rock that I found in the woods, earlier. I was wondering if you knew what type of rock it might be." Her dad nodded, his attention finally focused on something that wasn't his phone. "Where is it?" Cat got up, and ran up stairs to get her rock. When she came back, her dad was looking at his phone. He looked up at her, then he saw the rock. His eyes widened a fraction, but then it was gone, and he gestured for Cat to come closer. 

He examined the rock, while Cat fidgeted. It was a habit that her mom constantly told her not to do, but she couldn't help it. She just never knew what to do with her hands. Her dad told her his conclusion. "This might have been a big boulder or something that someone carved into an oval shape, then decorated, I don't know what type of rock it might have been, but it certainly is a beautiful piece of work." It definitely seemed like he was telling the truth, but the colors and designs seemed too natural to have been painted, or anything like that. And she had never heard of a rock that glowed like that. It couldn't possibly have been man made.

Later that night, Cat was still up, researching about her rock, trying to find out what it was. Everyone was asleep, and Thalia was even snoring slightly. She didn't have to worry about someone discovering her still awake. Cat was about to look up another precious rock to compare her precious rock too, when she heard a cracking sound. 

She looked around nervously, but couldn't find anything that could be the source of the cracking noise. She turned back to the computer, and then froze. There, on the rock, sitting right next to her computer, was a tiny little crack. She stayed where she was, as the crack started to widen. More cracking noises emitted from the rock, as more hairline fractures appeared on the rock's surface. The rock began to tremble, and crack. Then it exploded. Tiny pieces of rock flew into her face, and she let them hit her, still frozen, staring at what used to be a rock. What probably had never been a rock, and what had just come out of it. Sitting in a pile of egg shells and nasty goop, was the most beautiful creature she had ever seen. It was... a dragon.

Cat had never been so glad her family were heavy sleepers.

Cat was panicking. A tiny creature that wasn't supposed to exist was sitting on her desk in a pile of what used to be her cool rock, but now seemed to be an egg, and meanwhile the creature was calmly licking the egg shell off herself. Her. She. Cat somehow felt without looking that this tiny creature... dragon... was a female. And she was beautiful. 

Her tiny scales were a shimmering moon white, and her eyes were a swirling hazel color. Her underbelly was a similar color. She had a trail of spikes on the top of her head, all the way down to the tip of her tail, and they were already so sharp, they glinted in the little light the dragonet seemed to produce on her own. Cat didn't know what to do. She couldn't just tell her parents about this, or anyone. Who knew what they would do! They could take her away, to experiment on her, they could dissect her to find out more about her species! Cat was not going to let that happen. 

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