Chapter 1

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"Thank you miss," Diane says slowly, a smile stretching onto her soft, wrinkled face.

"Not a problem, Diane," you reply, giving her a gentle pat on the shoulder, being careful not to aggravate the arthritis that is plaguing her. That is why she's here after all. Poor thing, you think. When even arthritis medicine can't calm the pain, you know you have a serious case. "A nurse will be in to see you and help you check out in a few minutes. You stay safe and be careful, now."

"Alrighty. Thanks again."

You give her a small wave and walk out of her room, shutting it behind you quietly. You really like Diane. She's here often, but you suppose that's normal for an sixty-eight-year-old. She moved here from Canada when she ten. You can relate to that. You moved to Seoul from (your country) five years ago to attend Seoul National University, which is known to have a good medical school. You were eighteen and you thought moving here was terrifying, so you imagine it would have been much more frightening for a ten year old.

"Y/N," Dr. Sungho, calls, running up to you. Dr. Sungho was a nice, elderly man, who talked about retiring a lot. He had lost one hand serving in the military, so you thought it an amazing feat that he was able to continue working in the medical field. He always seemed to have a story to tell and was never boring. He was the best mentor you could have asked for. "You took that patient on your own. How did it feel?"

"It felt natural, like you said it would," you say with a smile, adjusting your long white doctors robes, your small badge that read 'L/N F/N - doctor in training' seeming to glow in the fluorescent hospital light when you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror like glass windows.

"Good. Are you ready to try to handle the dreaded emergency room on your own?" He said with a smile. You nod, confidently. You're ready. You're sure you are. You've been working very hard to get to this point. "Alright then. I'll be staying in the non-emergency ward. If you need any help, give me a call or ask one of the other doctors."

"Yes doctor. Thank you," you say, doing a little victory dance which earns a light chuckle from Doctor Sungho. You quickly make your way down the hallway, your doctors coat blowing behind you as you speed walk, making you feel like you're in Greys Anatomy, but man, that movie's inaccurate.

When you finally reach the emergency room, a bolt of energy flies into your soul like it always at the sight of all the hustle and bustle. Everyone seems to already have a job, too busy to pay any attention to the young new doctor, who hasn't even finished medical school. You're starting to wonder if you'll even get to treat any of the patients.

Suddenly, chaos erupts, when you hear a paramedic, with a man laying on a stretcher in front of him shout, "code blue, I need a doctor here right now."

Code blue - Cardiac Arrest.

Your heart races. This is bad. You look around. No ones helping, all the other doctors are off in their own rooms. A few nurses rush up to help, but they look lost. You're a doctor in training, you can help. But why do your feet feel so heavy? You rush up to him.

"I'm a doctor in training," you say, "I have authorization to help."

"Oh, thank god," he mutters, you grab the stretcher, along with a nurses and push it into one of the rooms that are separated by hanging green curtains. "He's been shot," the paramedic explains, following behind you quickly. "He went into cardiac arrest on the drive over. He kept yelling at me not to take his mask off." You looked down at the man, he wears a black mask and all black clothes, a suit of sorts. Even with the black material, you can see the blood soaking through his cloths. "He's been shot in the right abdomen, left shoulder, and clipped by a bullet on the side of his neck."

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