Chapter 5

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"Found some glow sticks," Hoseok says, waving a handful of colorful neon glows ticks in front of your face. You giggle. "What's so funny?" He asks, sending you a playful glare.

"I just didn't think you guys were the type who'd have glow sticks laying around."

"We aren't, he is," Namjoon says, motioning towards Hoseok who has already made himself a necklace out of the glow sticks. He places one around your neck too. You smile and thank him softly. He grins proudly.

"God damn it, Jungkook, what the hell did you do?" Yoongi shouts.

Jin sighs and quickly marches into the living room.

"Wow," you hear him mutter. Everyone looks up and slowly starts to flow from the kitchen to the living room. Hoseok blows out a few candles then grabs you hand and gently pulls you along with him.

As soon as you want into the living room, your jaw drops. Jungkook, who had snuck off a few minutes ago, had taken a few blankets and set them up around the room. He had strung lights, that you asume are battery powered, up around the fort, and filled it with comfy looking pillows.

"Beautiful," you whisper. Jungkook looks up at you, smiling softly.

Yoongi looks from Jungkook to you then back to Jungkook. Yoongi growls and reaches forward, yanking down one of the blankets.

"Clean this up," he orders. Jungkook looks shocked.

"But, Hyung..."

"Yoongi, come on, he didn't do anything wrong," Namjoon reasons. Yoongi glares at him, balling his fists up so tightly that his knuckles start to turn white.

"Fuck it." Yoongi gives one final tug to the side of the fort before storming upstairs and slamming the door shut.

Jungkook looks like he's going to cry. Tae quickly wraps his arm around him.

"Don't let him bother you. He's probably just tired."

"Yeah, let's not let him ruin our night," J-Hope says, climbing into the fort. "Let's tell some scary stories," he suggests.

"I'll go make popcorn," Jin runs to the kitchen, smiling like a child.

"Can I go first?" Asks Jimin. Everyone nods. "There was once a young boy named Sonjan. He was around five or six. He seemed normal to the untrained eye, but the truth is often buried deep underneath the surface." Jimin looked down, staring the floor.

"Jimin?" Hoseok asked.

"Hold on, I haven't thought of anymore of the story yet. Give me a second to think."

Hoseok laughs.

"Whatever," he says, shrugging.

"So, can I ask you guys a question?" You ask, having to raise your voice slightly due to the impressive volume of the storm.

"Sure," Jungkook nods. He slowly wraps his right arm around your shoulder, pulling you a bit closer. You pick at a string on your shirt, lost in thought for a minute. You want to know who they are, what they have done. What if they're mad? What if they hurt you for asking? Or kick you out into the storm? No. They wouldn't. Besides, you have to know.

"Are you all in a gang?" The words slip out of your mouth faster than you had meant them to. There is a dead silence for about thirty seconds and then everyone starts to laugh. You look around confused. Jungkook's grip around you tightens a bit and he turns to look down at you.

"You just figured that out?" He asks, smirking amusedly.

"Yeah, we thought you knew that already," Namjoon says, resting his large hand on your knee.

"Well, I had a notion, but..."

"But you didn't think we seemed like the type? You thought you were wrong. You hoped you were wrong. Right?" It was as if Namjoon could read you mind.


"Look, angel, we aren't the bad kind of gangsters. We don't kill for sport, we kill to survive."

"But Tae killed that man," you say, looking over at Taehyung who had wrapped a blanket around himself tightly.

"Which man?"

"You know whi-"

"Answer his question, Y/N," Namjoon orders softly.

"The one who attacked me," you muttered.

"Exactly," Taehyung said quickly. "I had to kill him in order to save you. Besides, if I let him live, he would have known where out hideout was and would have gone blabbing to our rivals. We cant have that. There dangerous you know. Most of them don't care if people are innocent or not."

"But killing is wrong. I-"

"Look, doc, you gotta learn that sometimes whats wrong is what has to be done."


"I thought of the rest of the story," Jimin announces, grinning maniacally. "So, where were we... Oh, right. So, despite what most people who met him thought, the boy was actually far from normal. He was very sick, always going in and out of hospital after hospital. The nurses and doctors and specialists would always assure his parents that he was fine, there was nothing wrong with him. On the surface, he was perfect. Maybe nothing was wrong with the boy. Maybe he was faking it, maybe he was dreaming it. No one could say for sure, except little Sonjan. All anyone knew was that every time the boy left the hospital, he would fall into a state of fit: complaining of different aches and troubles, crying, kicking, fighting. It seemed to be an addiction of some sort. He wanted to be there all the time. He couldn't bear to leave. Even more oddly, however, he didn't seem to like it there either. At every hospital the family went to, as soon as they crossed onto the threshold, all emotion in the boy would disappear and he would become completely blank. It was like he was wearing a mask, face frozen, eyes just staring ahead, almost as if he were dead. Drunk on the feeling being in the hospital gave him. He was in a hospital in a small town just north of Busan, sleeping one night. His parents had left to go home, visiting hours were over. There was a terrible fire that night. It broke out in the kitchen, swept away a good part of the hospital, the whole west wing. It took Sonjan with it. The nurses had tried to save him, but he wouldn't get out of bed. They tried to carry him out, but he was heavier than a block of stone. No matter how high the flames grew, no matter how thick the smoke, he just stayed there, staring ahead with that same masked look, void of all emotion. One of the nurses says she recalls the boy whispering something in another language, one far different from any she'd ever heard. The nurses new something was wrong deep down and abandoned the boy, something a few of them still feel bad about to this day, understandably. As they were running, two of the five nurses suddenly stopped, just at the exit door of the burning west wing, the same distant, masked looks on their face. They wouldn't leave, just like the boy. They all burned in that fire, not a shred of emotion showing through their stone like faces. Pieces of the charred bodies of the two nurses were found, but the body of little Sonjan remains missing. It is said that he still seeks victims late at night in hospitals across South Korea, waiting, watching..." Jimin trained off, using a flashlight under his chin to illuminate his face, flicking it on and off, chucking softly at the barely visible terrified faces of his friends.

Your heart is racing. Why do you suddenly have the feeling you're being watched? Someone clears their throat and you look up. Jungkook is looking down at you. He looks down farther, pointing to something with his eyes. That's when you realize that your holding his hand tightly. You quickly let go and pull your hand onto your lap, a slight blush creeping onto your face. Jungkook slowly reaches towards you and pulls your hand into his again.

"I didn't say let go," he whispers into your ear.

Innocent as a Rose (Bts Ot7 Gang x reader)Where stories live. Discover now