Chapter 9

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"This is all your fault," Tae shouted at you. You sat on the couch, shaking, a blanket wrapped tightly around you.

Everyone was glaring at you.

Jungkook was crying.

"We should just kill her. It all her fault. You should have never saved her in the first place, Tae. She's a burden," Jungkook spat through his tears.

That was it. You couldn't take anymore. You ran to the bathroom and slammed the door.

You heard Namjoon banging on the door.

"Open up!" He shouted. "Stop fucking around."

Tried to push open the window, you didn't feel safe around them anymore. You wanted to leave.

"Y/N!" Namjoon yelled, banging harder on the door. "Y/N!"

You suddenly gasped and shot upwards.

"Finally. Damn. How are you feeling? You've been through a lot," Namjoon spoke softly, rubbing your back.

"W-what?" You were so confused. You were just in the bathroom trying to escape him. Right?

"Oh, you don't remember? You got kidnapped."

"Y-yeah I remember that but-"

"You're awake!" Tae yelled, smiling warmly. "Here, you look freezing still." He hands you a cup of hot chocolate.

What's going on?

"Im still confused."

"You got knocked out. Jackson threw you, I think." Your eyes widen. "You've been asleep since."

"Did ya dream about me?" J-hope joked, smirking.

As soon as you catch sight of him, you jump into his arms. You barely even know him, but you can't help yourself. You don't care how awkward it is.

He laughed.

"Well, hello to you too."

"What happened? While I was knocked out I mean." You're starting to understand. Everything after Jackson had thrown you was nothing more than a bad dream.

"Don't worry about that. You're too pretty to have to think about that."

You blush and burry your face into the crook of his neck. You sighed, still feeling uneasy. All those guys were killed because of you?

"They're alive though," J-hope whispers. "I know that's what you're thinking about."


"I know you Y/N," J-Hope said with a smile on his face. You couldn't see it, but you knew it was there.

You heard someone clear their throat and J-Hope sighed and slowly set you down.

"Y/N? Wanna play a game with us?" Jungkook offered, motioning towards Jimin and Taehyung who were smiling excitedly.

"Um, ok. Wanna come Hobbie?" Hoseok shook his head.

"You go ahead. The guys and I have some stuff to discuss."

Jin's POV

"They know about her. This is bad. We can't have them using her against us," I say. "We can't let them get to her."

"Well how the hell do we do that? We can't babysit the girl."

"Well, Yoongi," I start, "that's actually kind of what Namjoon and I were thinking."

Namjoon nods.

"In order to keep her safe, we have to make sure she doesn't leave our sight," he says.

Yoongi huffs.

"That's not possible. She has her own life and I'm sure she'll want to keep it that way."

"She may not have a choice," Namjoon says.

"Are you suggesting we kidnap her?" Hoseok suddenly says, his voice an angry whisper. "Because I won't fucking do it."

"That's not what I'm saying, J-Hope. I'm saying that we will make her an offer she can't refuse."

"And what, may I ask, will that be?" Hoseok asks, glaring at me.

"To work for us," I state firmly.

"Double what she makes now, half the amount of work."

"Absolutely not!" Hoseok argues.

"That's a terrible idea," Yoongi growls. "You seriously think the best way to keep her safe is to put her right into the mother fucking line of fire?" I can tell how hard Yoongi is trying not to shout.

I smirk.

"You really care about her, huh?"

"Thin ice, Jin," Yoongi threatens.

"She won't leave the car," Namjoon explains.

"She'll stay J-Hope and we will take care of business. That way she's safe and we're still making money. If anything bad happens, J-hope can just drive away and take Y/N somewhere safer."

Everyone was silent for a minute.

"What about med school? She won't want to give that up," questions J-Hope.

"We can switch it to online school and she'll just have to stop working in that hospital for a while."

"You really think she'll agree to that?" Yoongi asks.

"She seems reasonable." Namjoon shrugs.

"What if she doesn't agree?"

"Hoseok I-" I start, shaking my head.

"Jin, just answer the question."

"Then we'll have to force her to agree."

"No. No. This is fucking bullshit," he shouts, standing up quickly. I try to shush him, so Y/N won't hear, but he won't listen. "I will not do that damn it!"


"Ha, I win again," you stick out your tongue at Jimin who pouts and throws the controller onto the bed behind him.

You had beaten both him and Taehyung over five times. Jungkook was your only real competition and you had even beaten him a few times. Right now, he and Tae were eating some take out food they had ordered.

"I'll beat you next time," Jimin declares confidently.

You laugh, feeling oddly confident too.

"Keep telling yourself that, shorty."

At that, Jimin jumps up and chases you around the room. Jungkook and Tae just laugh.

Suddenly, you hear a loud shout coming from downstairs.

"No! no! This is fucking bullshit. I will not do that damn it!" You tilt your head to the side wondering what they're yelling about.

Jimin scoops you up and swings you around in a circle, nearly knocking over the hot cocoa Tae has made you earlier.

"You're the only short one hear," he says between wheezing laughs. You giggle. "And ignore the yelling. They're probably trying to get Hope to watch a scary movie or something." You laugh again.


"Here try this," Tae hold up his chopstick which are holding a piece of (food you like.) You grin and open your mouth.

"Yummy," you say, grinning even wider as the wonderful taste erupts in your mouth. Jungkook rolls his eyes.

You're still in Jimin's arms bridal style.

"That's nothing. Try this, Y/N." Jungkook walks over, carrying chopsticks which hold (other food you like.) He lowers it towards your lips, but before you can eat if, Tae swoops in and steals it. Tae glares at Jungkook as he chews and Jungkook glares right back.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2020 ⏰

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