Chapter 8

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You were so cold. Your heart and clothes were soaked. You look down at your feet and hands. They tremble in the cold and are beginning to turn a dreadful blue color. You were laying on the hard concrete in some kind of abandon warehouse. The ground was wet, as if somewhat had sprayed it over with the pool. It was fairly dark. You could see a small cut in the metal and wood of the walls, almost like a door. You slowly stand up, your entire body shaking. You feel exhausted like you could colapse any second. You reach the small opening, gathering all your strength, ready to make a run for it, but stop suddenly. You're at least fifty feet above the ground. You quickly back up, wanting to stay as far away from that edge as you can. Suddenly, your back hits something soft and warm. You should be happy. You need warmth, you need soft, but you weren't happy.

You were terrified.

"Hello, Cutie," a husky voice whispered in your ear. The man's body was still pressed up against your back. He wrapped his arms around you, enveloping you in warmth. "You're not trying to escape, are you, darling?" His hands slowly snake down to your waist, making your heart drop even further into your stomach.

Please be a dream...

You took a deep breath, but it didn't help your nerves one bit.

"Y-you kidnapped me," you whisper.

A slow clap echoes through the room.

"Nice observation, Sherlock," says another man. The one holding you chuckles and suddenly removes his hands from around you and shoves you onto the ground, your body smacking against the wet floor.

You squeeze your eyes closed in pain and roll over onto your back. You know you should get up, but it hurts too much. You feel so weak compared to them, he'd probably just push you down again.

"Why?" You manage to ask.

"Jackson? Wanna explain?" Someone asks. A few more people emerge from the shadows of the room. You need to stand up. You need to find a way out of here. These people look dangerous. They look like they would rip you apart without so much as a second thought.

"Sure." The guy who pushed you walks towards you and pulls you into a sitting position, leaning against a wooden post. "See, Cutie, you've been getting into quite the large sum of trouble, haven't you."


"BTS? Taehyung? Any of that a bell?"

"I- I-"

"I-I," mocks one of the other boys.

"We spent good money hiring those guys to rough up Taehyung for us. We didn't appreciate you healing him so quickly and making all that money go to waste."

"Why did you want to-"

"He's our enemy, Sherlock," says the guy from earlier. "Or should I say Doc?" He smirks. "See, we know all about you and trust me, Sherlock, you have no idea how much danger you're in right now."

You swallow hard.

"Aww, Jb, I think you scared her," says another man, using a tone which someone would use when taking in front of a baby. He leans in close to you. "You scared?" You shiver, cowering back further into the post. "You know what would be scarier?" You don't say anything. You need to punch him or do something at least, but you're frozen in your spot. The only thing you can do is stare up at him with wide eyes. "If I took my knife," he smirks and pulls a knife from his waist band, "and press it up against you throat like this." He slowly presses the cold blade against your neck. You hold your breath, afraid that if you move, he'll punch the knife the half centimeter it needs to move to slice your throat open. You squeeze your eyes shut. Suddenly, a loud bang echos through the room and the knife is suddenly ripped away from your throat.

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