Chapter 7

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You soon realized that bringing seven hyper boys to a grocery store may not have been the best idea. Jimin, Hoseok, and Jungkook had gotten there own cart and were ridding through the isles doing doughnuts. You were surprised that they hadn't been kicked out yet. There weren't many staff members here yet as it was still fairly early in the morning. Yoongi was walking ahead of you. You swore you saw him sneak a few items under his coat, but you told yourself your eyes were just playing tricks, though you wouldn't put it past him to steal. You were still in shock that he had decided to join you all. Namjoon and Jin were debating which kind of flour was healthier whole wheat or whole grain. You honestly thought those were the same thing. You smiled, enjoying all of their banter, as embarrassing as it may be.

"Hey." You look up too see Taehyung smiling down at you, a soft, homey look in his eyes. "Lets go buy some food. I'm starving, doc." He takes your hand and leads you through the store. The two of you stop at a small McDonald's that has been built into the store. You both order and Taehyung pays for all of it, despite your protests and you both sit down in the furniture department to enjoy your food as it's more comfortable than sitting at the plastic chairs McDonald's offers. "You seem less tense than before," Taehyung says. "Was it the hot chocolate your just my company?" You laugh, taking a small bite of your food.

"Well, I like both of those, but honestly I'm not sure what it was. I don't even think i'm fully relaxed yet."

"Aww, what's got you all knotted up, doc?"

"You," you say slowly, "and your friends."

Tae looks a bit hurt, and you feel a heavy pang in your heart.

"I-I don't mean that how it sounds," you add quickly. "I'm just... worried."

"About what?" He asks softly.

"You say you only kill people who deserve to die," Tae nods, "but how do you decide who deserves that fate?"

Tae sighs.

"I know you think no one deserves to die, but, honestly, you only think that cuz you haven't seen the real world."

"I saw a man get murdered!"

Tae laughed and shushed you. Something about the way he did so reminded you of a child, shushing his friend while gossiping during lunch.

"Keep it down, doc, you trying to get us busted?" He jokes. When he notices you aren't laughing, his smile halts and he says, "and it wasn't murder, it was self defense, or making up for your lack of it."

"But, how do I know that you only kill people who 'deserve it.'"

"You know me. You know my friends. Do we seem like the type of people who'd do that shit for fun?"

"Yoongi, maybe," you mutter, staring down at your drink. Tae laughs.

"Honestly, I thought so too at first, but you just gotta give him a chance. He'll warm up to you. You should come over more often, I don't like the idea of not seeing you. I know you have to head back to your apartment and all. We could probably walk you there after we're done here, if you want." You nodded. You weren't sure why, but hearing that had left you with an empty feeling in the pit of your stomach.

You waved goodbye to the seven men, a sad smile on your face, similar ones etched onto most of their faces as well as you entered the apartment building. It was comforting to be in a familiar place, but it also felt empty. Maybe these boys had made you realize just how lonely you had actually been.

They had made you feel wanted and cared for. Like you weren't just another nobody.

And you missed that already.

You set down your things on the floor of your apartment and walked around, taking in the sweet smell of home, walking into your bedroom and pulling some pajamas out of a drawer. You walked towards the bathroom to change, when someone suddenly jumped out from behind you, placing a cloth over your mouth. You held your breath, you'd seen things like this in the movies before, the kind of movies you hate. You dug your nails into the persons arms and tried to scream without drawing any breath, but it was of no use. The person holding you felt as if they were half a foot taller and half a decades worth stronger. You knew you'd have to breathe soon. There was nothing you could do. You took a deep, heavy breath in and then your thoughts were swept away by a silent darkness.

Innocent as a Rose (Bts Ot7 Gang x reader)Where stories live. Discover now