Chapter 3

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The walk home from work was one of your favorite moments of your day. It always was. You liked how the bulk of your responsibilities were complete and you liked the sound of your shoes on the sidewalk. Comfy red converse. You had had this particular pair since high school. You were still wearing the black apron that was part of your work uniform. Sure, you worked at the hospital five hours every week day, but that didn't pay any money. You were a doctor in training, almost comparable to an intern. Because of that, you had to get a job working in a small cafe a few blocks from your apartment to help you pay for the necessities. You had gotten a full ride scholar ship to college, so you thankfully didn't have to worry about paying for that.

You began to hum a song under your breath as you walked, and tucked a piece of hair behind your ear.

Suddenly, a pair of arms wrap around you and you are pulled into an alleyway. The person picks you up and throws you against a wall. Pain shoots through your body and you struggle to sit up.

"Give me your money," a deep voice says. You look up. A man is wearing a black and white mask, with a strange sort of logo on it: the number seven writes inside some kind of circle with a star above the numbers. The logo is strangely familiar. "Now!"

"I-I Don't have any with me," you say. It's the truth. Mugging are common here, so you try to carry money with you as rarely as possible.

"Give me your phone then," he orders, his gun making a clicking sound as he readies if.

"I d-don't have that e-either," you stutter. You look behind you. There a door in the alleyway. It's cold and metal. You silently prey that someone heard you being thrown against it.

"Then your car keys and address so I can come pick whatever shitty car you've got." You suddenly have an idea. You start to shout for help and bang your head and arms against the door, not hard enough to hurt, just enough to hopefully grab the attention of whoever is inside there. If there even is anyone in there. "Hey, shut the fuck up." His gun is now centimeters from your face. I'll shoot. It wouldn't be the first time. "Now give me your fucking keys."

"I don't h-have a c-c-car." No ones coming. No one heard you. This is it. You're gonna die.

"Then your of no use to me," you squeeze your eyes shut, still not ready for it all to be over. You feel the door open behind you, but it's too late, you hear the sound of the gun going off.

What happening? Am I still alive?

You open one eye and gasp. In front of you, is the body of the man who attacked you. You slowly look behind you and see a man still pointing the gun and the dead man. He fires two more times, the bullets hitting the mans already nearly obliterated face. Your breath hitches in your throat. The guy holding the gun looks down at you. The second your eyes meet, you recognize him. The guy from the hospital. It had been almost three weeks since the day he had climbed up to your apartment.

"It's you."

"Yeah doc, it's me. You alright?"

You open your mouth to say something, but nothing comes out.

The man sighs.

"Come inside," he orders, pulling you up by your arm gently. "Sit here," he tells you, pointing to a stool by what looks to be the kitchen counter. The man looks through a few drawers, searching for something. You watch him for a few seconds before turning to stare at the countertop. You were right, his face is just as perfect as the rest of him.

"Tae, did you find out what that noise wa- oh shit." A short, rather muscular man wearing backwards black baseball. "Well, hey there," he says smirking at you. "What's your name?"

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