Chapter 2

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Your apartment. ^

It had been a little over a week since the code white incident. You still felt bad. Nurse Jung kept reminding you that it wasn't your fault and how things like that had happened before more times than you would think, but deep down you felt like it was your fault. What if the man had gotten hurt because of you? He ran with fresh stitches in. The could have torn open and he could have bled out. You hated the thought. You know that you need to get used to the idea of death if your going to make it working at that hospital, but that was a lot easier said than done.

Since Seoul was it was nearing winter time in Seoul, the sun was already setting earlier, so it was no surprise that although it was only 6:30

You took another sip of hot cocoa, from your tabby cat mug, and snuggled deeper into your fluffy (favorite color) blanket, eyes glued to the tv.

Suddenly, you heard a light tap on your window. Your heart plummeted down to your stomach. You didn't want to look. You lived on the top floor, how on Earth did anyone climb up here? Maybe it's a ghost? A demon? You tear your face out of its frozen state and look at the window, gripping your cellphone in your hand tightly.

Your jaw drops.

The guy from the hospital is here. He's still wearing a mask, only this time it's a dark grey one. You can't see much because it's so dark, but you know tell that it's him. You just know. He makes eye contact with you, eyes pleading. This might be your chance to help him and make sure he's safe and healthy. You can't call the cops. That'll scare him away. You set your phone down on the coffee table and slowly walk towards the window. You slide it open and the man comes inside, his eyes crinkling up, revealing that he's smiling.

"Hey there, doc," he greets.

"Hi? How did you..."

"Got your address from the Seoul National University directory. You mentioned you were still in college, so I assumed you went here and I was right."

"Oh. But I'm on the top floo-"

"Climbed up the fire escape." Your jaw drops.

"You did what? Do you have any idea how dangerous that is? You could have busted open your stitches or slipped and fell! You could have knocked on my door! I would have let you in! Probably even faster than you knocking on my window like a monster or ghost or something. I-"

"You thought I was a ghost?" He says, between laughs.

"Um, I- that's not the point. The point is you could have died."

"Aww, were you worried about me, doc?"

You blushed and playfully hit his shoulder.

"So, what are you doing here?"

"You told me the stitches would have to come out in about a week. So I came back in about a week," he says mater-of-factly, walking further into your apartment. "You know, this place isn't half bad. It's a dump from the outside, just like every building on this side of town, but when you get inside," he sighs contently, "you can really tell it's your place."


"So are you going to take out my stitches or what?"

"Oh, right," you say. "Honestly, it would be a lot better if you would let me take you to the hospital."

"Doc, you know that's not an option."

"Yeah, sorry. Why do you hate hospitals again?" You asks, grabbing a first aid kit from a drawer and setting it down on the coffee table. You motion for him to sit down on the coach. He does.

"They're expensive and they might make me take off my mask."

"What makes you think I won't make you?"

He chuckled.

"That'll be the day."

"What do you mean?" You question.

"I mean that you're practically a foot shorted than me and a thousand pounds skinnier. I'd like to see you try to make me do anything."

You sigh and roll your eyes.

"You're not that much taller."

"Hush, doc, no need argue."


You feel your face flush slightly as he slips off his shirt. He eyes you coyly and you swear you can feel him smirking.

"Keep it professional, doc."

"Oh, I think you crossed that line already by climbing up my fire escape," you shoot back, pitting your hands on your hips.

He doesn't reply, just stares at you with that same cold and curious look from before, only this time with far less of the ice and far more of the curiosity shinning through his brown hues. You wait a little while more, but he still remains silent.

You huff, plop down next to him on the couch, and get right to work.

The numbing cream you have is only drugstore level, so you're sure he can feel the stitches being pulled, which seems like it would be painful enough, yet he doesn't make a sound. In fact, he hardly even moves; he just watches you closely as you work.

When you're finished, you stand up quickly and pack up your first aid supplies, put them back into the cupboard, then walk back into the quaint living room.

"Hey! What are you doing!" You stomp towards him quickly, a pouty look on your face. "That's mine." You pull the mug of hot cocoa out of his hands, covering the top with your hand so you don't spill any. "You can't even drink it with that stupid mask on your face."

"I was gonna take it home with me."

"It's mine!"

He laughs. He has a nice laugh, you hadn't noticed it before. It's bubbly and warm and it makes you want to laugh too.

"Well, thanks for helping me. Not that I thought you wouldn't. You seem like the type of girl who'd do something like this for a stranger." You weren't sure if that was an insult or a compliment. "But, uh, doc?"


"If another stranger comes knocking on your window, don't let them in."

"No promises," you joke, trying to lighten the mood.

He smiles through the mask.

"And sorry about that." The man points to forehead, mirroring the spot that still had a small almost-healed cut from when he had pushed you down in the hospital.

"It ok."

You can tell he's grinning.

"See ya around, doc." With that, he climbs out the window.

"Be careful!" You shout. You can hear him laughing as he climbs down. "And yeah, see ya around," you whisper.


You'll meet the rest of the guys soon, don't worry.

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