Chapter 6

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Jin's POV

Most people have fallen asleep inside the fort. Namjoon had knocked over the popcorn In his sleep, so little pieces were scattered everywhere, many ending up in Jimin's hair. Jungkook has wrapped his arms around Y/N's sleeping form, unaware of how much that had ticked off the only person still awake: me. I don't know why I'm so angry. I hardly even know the girl. Besides, Jungkook won't make a move on her, he's too shy around girls. Not that I would care if he did make a move on her. It's just... she looks like a little kitten when she sleeps. So peaceful... so innocent and unbroken. I want her to stay like that forever. I slowly tuck a piece of hair behind her ear and scan her face carefully. Even her flaws are perfect. I let my hand linger on her face, slowly tracing her soft skin along her jawline. What the hell am I doing? I yank my hand away and stand up, quickly, making my way to the kitchen.

"Yah! Who left a candle burning!" I shout, springing into action and blowing it out. "Stupid kids, could have started a fire," I mutter.

"Kids?" Hoseok chuckles from the living room. "Jeez, sorry, mom." Oops. Guess I woke him up. The rain still hasn't stopped. It's normal for it to rain for days on end here, so I'm not too surprised. The rain does seem to have calmed down a bit, but not significantly. "What are you making?" Hoseok asks, sitting down at the kitchen table.

"Pancakes. I can't find any flour though."

"Didn't you and Namjoon just go to the store?" Jimin asks, walking in only a few seconds after Hoseok.

"Yes, but we didn't buy any flour."

"Why?" Jimin asks loudly. I shush him harshly. He glares at me and rolls his eyes.

"Everyone else is awake already anyways, candle boy."

"Crap," I whisper.

Usual Pov

You woke up in Jungkook's arms, hearing Jin yelling about something. It was pretty awkward, because he was still asleep when you woke up or at least that's what you thought at first, but you had seen his eyes peek open on too many occasions to continue to believe that. Maybe he didn't want to get up. You understand that feeling. Your arm was falling asleep, so you slowly shifted and gently pulled away from the tall boy who groaned in protest. You giggle and blushed. Is he always this flirty?

"Pancakes-" you hear someone say in the kitchen. You grin. (Favorite kind of pancakes) are my favorite. I quickly make my way towards the kitchen. Before you can make it there, however, someone bumps into your side, nearly making you trip.

"Sorry," you say quickly, looking up. Yoongi. You should have known. He really doesn't know how to make a good impression, does he? Maybe he just doesn't care. That's somewhat admirable, you suppose. He doesn't say anything, just continues walking towards the kitchen. Did Jin wake him up too?

"Whatever, i'll just go buy some," Jin says.

"Buy what?" You ask curiously.

"Flour," Jin mutters, looking up at you and softening his gaze. "Good morning, Y/N!"

"Oh yeah, sure. She gets a good morning."

"Aww, are you jealous?" You tease Yoongi. You aren't sure where this new found boost in confidence came from, but you like it. Yoongi glares at you. Jin and Hoseok chuckle and Jimin looks quite impressed. "Can I go to the store with you, Jin?" You ask. What are you doing? These people are murderers! Why on Earth are you even still here? What's wrong with your brain?

"Sure," Jin responds, not even bothering to hide the smile that spreads onto his face.

Hoseok picks a few pieces of popcorn out of Jimin's hair and pops one into his mouth.

"Hoesok!" Jin scolds, making a grossed out face. Jimin grabs a few pieces himself and eats them, offering one to you. You giggle and shake your head.

"But isn't it raining?" Yoongi asks in an aggravated tone.

"What?" Jimin looks confused.

"Jin says they're going to the store, but it's raining. So, you guys can't g-"

"It's calmed down a bit. I think it's safe to go out now. There isn't even any lightening," Jin reasons.


"Look, if you're jealous or something, you can come too," Jin says, smirking playfully.

"I am not fucking jeal-"

"Great idea, Jin. We can all go. Jimin and Jungkook haven't been out of the house in ages. I think it's getting to them," Namjoon says, nodding his head towards Jimin who's still eating popcorn from his hair. "I'll go grab an umbrella. Y/N we only have seven, so you'll have mine."

"Oh, no. Namjoon, that's ok, really. You don't have t-"

"I insist. I can't let you get sick, now can I?"

You were surprised he even cared. He didn't seem like the type who would.

None of them did.

"H-how about we share then?" You suggest. Namjoon smiles, a slight hint of a blush appears on his face, but it goes unnoticed by you.

"I like that idea," Namjoon says, walking over to the coat closet.

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