6 - Burning the World Down

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6 - Burning the World Down

It's been a few days now that Michael was put into Calum's protection and he was so utterly thankful for the monster. He didn't have to constantly worry about his safety anymore like did every night when the clock turned 3 A.M. Well until right now.

Hearing movement from behind him as he stood at the bank of the lake and feeling the lingering darkness, Michael felt the familiar fear that he's abandoned for these few days come back and hit him like a brick.

He gasped in surprise when he felt a strong hand grab onto his shoulder, making him look to the side to see an unfamiliar man that had to of been a demon.

Michael tried to get away from the demon by backing up, but with the strong grip on him and with his sharp step back, Michael felt himself falter in his balance.

But the demon pulled him back forwards into his chest and in a second they were in a completely different place, somewhere Michael has never been before.

They were in the middle of a bright green field, a field that was completely empty with only them two for company.

"W-Who are you?" Michael asked scared as he finally got out of the demon's grip and stepped back from the man.

"I'm Ashton." The demon stated, staring at and analyzing the angel that stood in front of him trembling in fear, "And I'm here to speak with you about a certain monster. First, what's your name?"

Michael only stared back in complete silence, wary of the demon in front of him. He didn't know who he was or what he wanted, and he was scared of the possibilities.

"Name, angel?" Ashton asked once again, but now with a hint of impatience in his voice.


"Well, Michael, I'm here to talk to you about Luke."

"Luke?" Michael asked in surprise, desperate to see the monster once again. He still hasn't seen him at all since they have met, and he oddly missed him.

He's asked Calum about Luke, but the brunette monster has only answered with the fact that he didn't talk to Luke and didn't know or care about where he was. Calum was a silent man, and Michael has gotten close to nothing in terms of conversation with the monster.

"Yes, Luke..." Ashton said interestingly and confused at Michael reaction. Angels and monsters intertwining on a positive note was extremely unheard of, and that's why Ashton was all of sudden put into this due to his never ending curiosity.

Seeing how desperate Luke was to find Michael a few nights ago made Ashton interested, and he was confused as to what was happening and why the two were getting along, even if he didn't even know them himself.

"Why is he looking for you?" Ashton asked seriously.

"He's looking for me?" Michael asked both confused and hopefully.

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