15 - Their Dark Love

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15 - Their Dark Love

Soft words being spoken around him made Michael groggily rub his eyes once he started stirring back into reality.

He looked around, seeing Luke and Calum having some sort of conversation on the couch presented in the other side of the cave.

Slowly climbing out of the bed, Michael had to hold onto the side of the bed when a surge of blurriness overtook him.

"Hey, no fast movements." Calum said softly and quickly made his way over to the angel, helping settle him back into the bed.

"Ashton." His voice cracked in worry when he didn't see the demon anywhere in the cave, "Where is Ashton?"

"He's just outside getting his air."

"Is he okay?"

"More than okay." Luke grinned when he plopped onto the bed, pressing a kiss to the angel's cheek, "He hasn't been able to stop talking about how your precious blood made him feel."

Michael blushed when he saw the suggestive look on Luke's face, making the monster chuckle.

"How are you feeling?" Calum asked seriously, eyeing Michael's bite mark on his neck.

"My neck is sore." Michael pouted, "But Ashton is okay. That's all that matters."

"No. Ashton is fine now, so we have to worry about you. You're the one who is hurting."

"Other than my neck I feel fine."

"Well you have been out of it these past two days, so you've been well rested up it seems."

"Two days?" Michael asked surprised.

"Is that not normal for you?"

"It usually takes a week for me to feel this energized after having my blood consumed."

"Well Ashton is your soulmate." Calum grinned, "Maybe your blood was made to be consumed by him more easily."

"That means it could be consumed more easily by you and Luke too."

"Maybe." Calum hummed, "But that's not something we need to test out."

"You're so smart and fearless for doing what you did." Luke said suddenly, making the angel peer at the monster, "I'm so proud of you. You saved us."

"No." Michael shook his head bashfully, "You three saved me."

"Nope." Luke chuckled when he kept arguing about Michael being the savior, "It was all you, angel. You saved the day."

"You did, Michael. If you didn't do what you did then Ashton would be gone." Calum said.

"I think you deserve a reward for being such a good boy." Luke smirked darkly.

"Oh...I...I don't need anything." Michael stumbled around due to how flustered he was, making the two monsters smirk from how easy the angel was.

"No. You need to be rewarded." Luke tsked, grabbing Michael's hands into his own. He leaned over and placed his lips onto the angel's, moving slowly for the angel's comfort.

Calum joined in by sensually kissing up the side of Michael's neck that didn't have a bite mark, making sure that Michael was feeling love and care from both of them.

Michael brought his hands up to sharply grip onto Luke's shirt in order to hold onto something. To hold onto anything.

It was especially when Luke and Calum switched to where Michael's lips were against Calum's was when the angel started losing his self control.

Luke was more rough with his neck kisses and Calum was getting antsy, leading to a more fast paced kiss. Michael easily wanted more; he wanted everything.

"Wow. So no invite for me?"

The three pulled away, seeing Ashton with his arms crossed playfully at the end of the bed.

"Ashton." Michael said breathlessly, "Are you okay?"

"Never better." He winked.

"I was just saying that angel deserves to be rewarded for being so good for us and for saving the day. Don't you think, Ashton?" Luke smirked when he looked over at the demon, knowing that he was going to play along with what he was referring to.

"Of course. Only the best for the angel."

Ashton got on top of the bed, being sure to face the blushing angel when he brushed his fingers against the bite mark on the pale skin.

"Thank you for saving me." He genuinely said, making Michael nod softly.

"It was nothing." He blushed from the attention, looking to the side at Luke who sent him a large grin.

A small kiss being plastered onto his jaw before more kisses were made up his chin to his mouth made Michael's breathe hitch from the loving touch.

Ashton lovingly moved his lips against the angel's, moving his hands down to grip onto his waist. He was already basically addicted to the angel before, but now with his blood running through his system Ashton seemed to have fallen for the other even more. 

His desperate kissing and touching proved it.

Lowering the angel onto his back, he smirked down at Michael when he pulled away. Michael whined from the loss of touch, making grabby hands up at the demon.

"Your blood running through my veins is making me break. The only thing I can think about is you, every part of you. All that I want to do is make you whine and moan all pretty for me."

Michael didn't know what to say. He only laid there with widened eyes and blushing cheeks. The demon above him was speaking too hotly and he didn't know how to react to it.

But luckily for him, the others were always there to help and guide him when he needed it.

"Do you want me to stop?"


"If you do then you need to tell me to stop. Okay?"

Michael shyly nodded his head and Luke tried not to coo in response while he watched on Michael's side.

He instead gently played with the hem of Michael's shirt, pulling it slowly up until the pale chest was revealed for them to see. Luke took the shirt off and tossed it to the side, trying not to moan out from how perfect Michael was.

Calum started leaving soft kisses onto his stomach, making Michael let out a soft sigh and lean his head back against the pillow.

Michael was truly an angelic masterpiece. He was so beautiful and full of innocence, which they all cherished within him.

"Can I make you feel good, baby?" Ashton asked the angel, not doing anything until he answered him.

"What do you mean?" Michael asked both shyly and nervously. He wasn't used to all of this care and love. It still made him feel bashful.

"You know what I mean, innocent one."

Michael blushed slightly from the dark, but loving stare Ashton was sending down towards him. The angel slowly nodded his head, finally and fully accepting their dark love.




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