Amber's Secret

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Amber woke up to the sound of her alarm clock going off as it did every weekday morning at exactly 5:45 am. She yawned and then reached over to turn off the alarm. Her mother had left for work almost a full 20minutes ago, so she had the house to herself until it was time for her to go to school for the day. She stretched for a moment and then got up to go to bathroom and get a quick shower that she knew right away she would need.

As usual, she had wet her diaper in the night and needed to remove it.Amber had been wearing adult diapers to bed every night for almost 8years in order to keep from wetting the bed. Before that, she had worn regular disposable diapers until she grew too big to fit into them anymore.

Every two weeks, she would take part of her allowance money and go to the store and buy herself a package of diapers to wear at night. Her mother had no idea that this was going on, and Amber had no intention of telling her either. Her mother had threatened her with a severe spanking if she did not stop wetting the bed every night. On more than one occasion, her mother had actually spanked her hard with a hairbrush for wetting the bed.

After she got to the bathroom, she undid all six tapes on the diaper and rolled it up carefully again before setting it in the bottom of the wastebasket and concealing it there in case someone should walk in to use the bathroom while she was showering. After a few minutes in the shower, Amber stepped out of the shower, dried herself off and got dressed for school.

As she got ready to leave the bathroom, she retrieved her wet diaper out of the trash so that her mother would not see it when she emptied the bathroom trash. It was now almost 6:30 am, and her classes started at7:00 am. She ran downstairs with the diaper still in her hand and grabbed her backpack with her schoolbooks in it. She then grabbed a small paper sack out of the kitchen and put the diaper into it.

A few moments later, she walked out the back door to go to school. As she passed through the alley, she dropped the sack with the diaper in it into another trashcan near the end of the block. As she passed the drugstore, she remembered that she needed to get some more diapers as she had run out last night. She would just have to stop on her way home from school if she could and get some then, or try to sneak out later on and get them.

Amber arrived at her high school about ten minutes before her first class was scheduled to begin. She had been going to school here for only two weeks and already disliked her first hour teacher a little bit.Mrs. Eddleson was her first hour teacher for U.S. history and tended to be a bit too strict when it came to homework assignments.

As soon as she got into her history class, Mrs. Eddleson asked everyone if they had remembered to bring their five-page homework assignment in with them. Everyone turned in their assignments to her and then returned to their desks. After a few minutes of talking to her class,Mrs. Eddleson told them all to begin reading on the next chapter of their history books while she graded their papers. Amber was startled slightly when the voice of Mrs. Eddleson called her name out loud."Amber would please explain to me why your assignment is not done correctly?"

Amber sat there confused for a moment trying to remember if she had forgotten some part of the assignment. Finally she spoke up, "I'm sorry Mrs. Eddleson, but I don't remember not finishing any of it.What part did I forget?" she asked quietly.

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