Part 10

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The Next day started out normally for Amber with her changing her wet diaper and then taking some minor pain medication. She finished getting dressed and settled down to eat some breakfast before going back to school for the first time since that fateful day she had a heart attack.

She picked up her backpack and put her books in the bottom of it. She then proceeded to pack six diapers and some wipes into it as well.When she finally had everything loaded into it that she felt she would need for the day she closed it and fastened it shut tightly. A moment later she slung her pack on and made her way out of the house to go to school.

For the sake of convenience she wore a knee-length skirt and a button up blouse that she hoped would conceal her diapers she had to wear. She could only hope that her diapers did not make too much noise as she made her way to school that morning. She was certain that everyone would hear the crinkling of her diaper and would torment her when they found out. Even though the sound was not very loud, it still worried her that it could be heard at all.

Upon arriving at school she found it difficult to get through the narrow doors on crutches and managed to snag her backpack on a few of the various doors before getting through them. She finally managed to reach the stairwell at the end of the hallway and began to go up the stairs one small step at a time. By the time she reached the top of the stairs she was out of breath and her body ached a little from the exertion. She slowly made her way towards the nurse's office through the crowded hallway of people rushing back and forth to get to their classes on time.

She was just about to the nurse's office when some careless individual ran into her hard. She hit the floor and cried out in pain as the kid also tripped and landed on her bad ankle. She lay on the floor in pain for what seemed an eternity before the kid got up and took off down the hallway without even saying sorry or trying to help her up.Tears rolled down her face from the extreme pain in her ankle as she attempted to get up from where she had been knocked.

It would have taken a few more minutes had the head nurse not come out and seen her sprawled out on the floor and in obvious pain. A moment later Amber was on her feet and being helped into the nurse's office.The pain in her sore ankle was beginning to subside a little now that she was off of it. This allowed her to notice that she had flooded her diaper and that she now needed to get changed.

As she sat down on one of the chairs she was offered she felt her bladder let go some more into her already soaked diaper. She was sure it would leak before she could explain to the nurse what happened.The lady instead smiled at her and asked, "Do you need some help getting changed or are you able to manage on your own?"

The question surprised Amber for a moment and it took a few seconds before she could respond. "How did you know?" was all she could manage to say. "I had a phone call from the principal a little bit ago and she told me of your condition and that you were going to be stopping in this morning before classes. I'll tell you what, why don't you lay down up here and I'll change you real quick before you go to class."

Amber handed the nurse her backpack as she carefully got up on a large examining table to be changed out of her wet diaper. The nurse pulled a privacy curtain around the table before proceeding with Amber's diaper change. She lifted up Amber's dress and then proceeded to undo the six tapes holding the diaper. Within about two minutes she had cleaned Amber off and put a clean diaper on her as if it was an everyday occurrence to do so.

Within a few minutes of time, Amber was once again off to class. She had left all of her changing supplies at the nurse's office so she no longer had to worry about someone looking in her backpack and seeing her diapers. Most of her teachers were happy to see her back after what all had happened to her and made sure that she had enough room to get around on her crutches. Around fourth hour her stomach began to gurgle as a warning that she had to have a bowel movement. She managed to make it to the hallway before her bowels emptied into her diaper. She had hoped to make it to the nurse's office before her bowels emptied into her diaper.

She reached the nurse's office and walked in. She was surprised to see Kevin just coming out from the back room with the nurse helping him stand up. His face was a mess of bruises and cuts. His shirt was torn in a few places, as were his jeans. He was still holding a cloth to the side of his head in an effort to stop some of the bleeding from one of his cuts. Amber was in shock and was not quite sure what to say when Kevin broke the silence for her. "Go get changed And then I'll fill you in about this. Besides, you're starting to smell a bit."

Amber went in to get changed just as a police officer walked in and began questioning Kevin. Amber was in for another surprise as the head nurse did not offer to change her and instead asked one of her assistants to do it while she finished stitching up the cut in Kevin's head. The assistant nurse turned out to be guy named Mr.Swift. He smiled nicely at amber as he helped her up onto the examining table so he could change her out of her messy diaper. "I take it you know that young man sitting out there from the way you keep looking over that way. He'll be all right. He was lucky that someone saw the incident and ran for help." Amber was about to ask what happened when he announced that he was done and for her to go ahead and talk to Kevin.


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