Part 8

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The two girls pulled into the hospital parking lot and circled a few times as they looked for a space fairly close to the doors. It took them a few more minutes before they finally found a place about halfway down the parking lot. Julie got out and began to help Amber out of the car when they heard a loud screeching sound from behind them. Amber turned just in time to see a car careen into her and Julie as well as the car next to them. Amber heard Julie scream in pain as the car slammed into her and a fraction of a second later her as well. Amber came to a few seconds later as she heard screams from somewhere nearby. She quickly looked over to where Julie was laying on the ground with blood dripping from a cut on her arm and another on her side. Broken glass and metal were scattered everywhere she could see. Without thinking too much about it, amber quickly tore off a piece of her shirt and tied it around Julies arm in an attempt to stop the heavy bleeding there. With that done, she began to try to find a way to stop the bleeding from Julies other bad cut when help finally arrived in the form of a team of doctors and nurses. Amber tried to stand and quickly passed out from the pain in her right ankle. When she woke up a few minutes later, she almost screamed from the pain in her ankle. "It's all right! Lay still and the pain will pass in a few minutes. Your ankle is messed up badly and I have given you a shot down near it to help ease the pain. I'm doctor West.A car hit you a few minutes ago in the parking lot. We're heading to x-ray right now to get a look at the ankle. Are there any allergies or other problems I should know about since you're awake now?"Amber took a second to collect her thoughts and spoke up, "I was on my way to get checked by someone for my heart. I still have stitches from heart surgery a few days ago. My Mother also works here as a nurse in the emergency department." Before She could say anything else to the doctor about her current medical problems, her bowels cut loose and dropped a hot mushy load into her diaper. Amber turned red with embarrassment, as the sound of the accident was loud enough to be heard. "I think I'm going to need a change as well. I'm wearing fitted briefs until I can get control of my bladder and bowels again. I left my stuff in the..."

The shot took effect as amber fell asleep. She awoke later and found that several hours had passed while she was under the effects of the sedatives and painkillers. The first person she saw was Julie sitting in a chair asleep and with her arm in a sling. "You're awake at last honey. I was worried when they said you'd had another accident.Julie's all right thanks to your quick thinking. You stopped the bleeding from a cut almost to the bone on her right arm. She has a few other minor cuts and bruises as well as two broken ribs"Amber turned carefully so as to avoid moving her ankle to see her mother standing next to her bed with a relieved look on her face."You got lucky with your ankle dear. It is cracked but nothing worse than that. The driver that hit you lost control of his car.He's in the operating room right now. His steering column somehow broke and He had no way of steering his car. He locked his brakes up,but still ran into you anyway. You know dear, this is starting to be a bad habit. You don't need to have an accident just to come see meat work." Amber laughed a little at this and winced in pain ass he pulled some of her stitches a little bit. "How long do I have to stay here this time mom?" "The doctor said that he'd be back in about ten minutes to check on you one more time. If everything is fine with him, we can all of us go home." The doctor showed up a few minutes later as Julie was waking up from where she had fallen asleep in the chair. Both girls were given another quick looking at by the doctor as well as some paperwork and pain pills for Julie before being released to go home.


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