Part 9

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The three of them were just about out of the hospital when they ran into Kevin near the exit doors. He almost walked into them before he saw them walking towards him. He had a concerned look on his face as he saw Amber walking with crutches and Julie with her arm in a sling.

"What happened to you two? Did you forget to pay your income taxes or something?" he joked as he walked besides them. Amber hit him lightly in the leg with one of her crutches and jokingly replied, "That's the last time I file my income taxes late. Those IRS guys play rough!"

Kevin laughed for a moment he could just picture Julie and Amber arguing with a couple of IRS agents over filing their taxes a little late."So what actually happened to you guys this time? Did you guys get attacked or something?"

Amber spoke up, "Nothing like that happened. We just had a little accident with Julie's car out in the parking lot. I cracked my ankle and Julie managed to cut her arm open and needed some stitches is all. So what brings you up here today?" "I had to get my medication changed and also get a few other problems checked out.They're vampires in this hospital I think. They decided that they needed six tubes of my blood for some lab-work. As you can tell by the large sack that they decided to give me all my daily and nightly supplies as well."

Amber was about to say something when her bowels let loose into her diapers with a loud and wet fart that filled the diaper up. Amber turned red with embarrassment as they all heard and smelled it as well a minute later. Amber looked around for her backpack with the spare diapers in it and did not see it. She then remembered that it was still in the wreck of Julie's car and she currently had no spares with her.

Kevin broke the silence a moment later as he broke the silence a moment later as rummaged through his bag looking for something. Amber began to fidget uncomfortably as she wondered how she was going to get changed without Kevin knowing about her wearing diapers. She was shocked when Kevin pulled out a disposable diaper and some wipes from his bag and handed them to her. "Go get changed and I'll explain when you get back. I promise you it's not a joke of some kind to make fun of you. Now go get changed before I decide to change you right here in front of everyone."

Amber left to get cleaned up and changed as Kevin began explaining things to her mother and Julie. She got into the bathroom and found that the handicap stall was empty for a change. She unfastened her jeans and lowered them to the floor. She then sat down on the toilet and undid all six tapes of her diaper carefully in an effort to avoid spreading the mess outside of her diaper. She removed the messy diaper from under her and rolled it up tight before taping it shut. Once this was done, she proceeded to use the wipes she was given and cleaned up the remains of the mess from her accident. After she finally got all of the mess cleaned up he reached down and picked up the diaper that Kevin had given her to change into. She unfolded the diaper and began to put it on. It was a little large on her but she managed to get it taped on tightly enough after a few moments of adjusting. She pulled up her jeans and then rounded up the dirty diaper and the wipes before exiting the stall.

She threw away the dirty diaper and left the restroom to rejoin her friends and her mother. Her head swam with confusing thoughts as she attempted to make sense of what Kevin had just done for her. It didn't make any sense to her and she desperately hoped that he was not pulling some type of cruel joke on her. She hoped that he really did have a good reason for having diapers and wipes with him.

As she walked out of the restroom and back to them she could see that Kevin had a nervous look on his face, as if he was worried about what was coming next. As soon as she joined them again Kevin began to try to explain things to her. "I hope I can explain this. Where to start? I found out that you had a problem of some type that day you had the heart attack at school. When you landed at the bottom of the stairs I saw your dress had lifted far enough up to reveal what you were wearing. It took me by surprise for a moment, but then I began trying my best to help you and forgot about it until just a few minutes ago when you had an accident. That's how I knew you needed to change. I noticed that you did not have any backpack or bags with you and I guessed you did not have any spares at the moment. I hope that explains why I gave you one out of my bag as well as some wipes to use."

Amber looked at him and smiled as some of what he said began to make sense to her. Only one thing still made no sense to her though, and that was why he had any diapers and wipes with him anyway. She decided to ask him, as she was curious as to the reason. "Why do you have diapers and wipes with you Kevin? Did someone else tell you I was here?"

"I guess you may as well know the reason for that. No one told me you were here either. Meeting you here was a complete surprise to me. As for why I have the wipes and diapers with me, I have to use them as well for my own protection. I have no real control over my bladder or my bowels at night due to a stroke I had a few years back. My insulin prescription was tainted with something else and I almost died from the damage it did to me. When I woke up in the hospital, they had diapered me and not told me why yet. The doctors finally told me that the tainted insulin had caused me to have a stroke. For the next three months I had to learn how to do everything with my right side of my body all over again. I have come a long ways since then, but still have only limited control over my bladder and bowels when I sleep. It is slowly improving, but the doctors say that it will be close to a full year yet before I am fully healed from the stroke I had two years ago. There, now you know my biggest secret as well as my biggest fear. I hope you can still like me after telling you this.If not, I'll understand and never bother you again."

Amber's only answer she could think of was to reach over, grab him, pull him closer to her, and then kiss him before speaking up. "You are not losing me. In fact, I am glad you told me this as well as gave me one of yours so I could change and clean up real fast. So far, you are the kindest guy I have ever met and I hope that never changes.


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