Part 2

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Amber walked the seven blocks to the drugstore without any further problems and figured that no one would possibly see her that knew her. She walked into the store and browsed for a few minutes in the magazine section. She looked at a few of the magazines and then put them back after glancing through them for a few moments. Since there was nothing new in the way of magazines or books, she decided that it was time to get what she came for and to leave.

As she turned and walked to the other part of the store, she never noticed her principal, Mrs. Manning, from school walk in through the front door at that exact moment. Amber stopped for a moment at a makeup display and considered getting something in the way of makeup as well, but rejected the idea. "Oh well, at least I don't have to worry about not having enough money to get the diapers if I don't get the eye liner." she thought to herself.

Amber walked over to the shelf and looked at the various different adult diapers for sale for a few minutes before she finally decided on a bag of attends that were now selling for only $9.50 per bag. "What a deal" she thought to herself as she picked up the bag and started for the checkout lanes. Just as she finished paying for the diapers, Mrs. Manning came up to the checkout lane that she was in and saw her standing there with the bag of diapers in hand.

Mrs.Manning didn't say anything to her as she walked out the door of the store with the diapers she had just bought for herself. Her heart was beating extremely fast as she tried to remain somewhat calm and hope that her principal would not say anything or tell anyone about her diapers.

As she finally made it out of the parking lot, her heart slowed down to normal once more, and she began to believe that she would perhaps be all right after all. She had been so nervous that she didn't notice until now that she had wet her pants. She was grateful that she only lived a short distance away from the drugstore and hoped that she could get home before anyone else she knew saw her.

Her luck did not hold out however. Less than three blocks from the store,she heard a car horn honk near her. As she turned to see who had honked, she spotted her principal calling her from her car. "Amber,do you need a ride home? Hop in and I'll give you a ride the rest of the way."

Amber felt like running away as fast as she could and found herself wishing she could just turn invisible or something. It was bad enough that she had been spotted buying diapers by someone that knew her, but it was even worse that she had wet her pants as well. She felt weak in the knees and legs as she slowly walked over to the waiting car driven by her principal.

"Come around to the other side Amber, I'll unlock the door so you can get in." Mrs. Manning said as Amber got up to the car. As she walked around to the passenger side of the car she thought about what excuse she could give Mrs. Manning if she was asked.

"Thank you ma'am." Amber said as she got into the car. "You all right Amber? You look a little pale." "I'm all right ma'am.Thank you for the ride home." Mrs. Manning smiled at Amber as she got into the car with the bag of diapers in her right hand. As she began to pull the door shut, Mrs. Manning noticed the diapers once more and then saw that Amber had wet her pants.

"Oh honey, it's all right." Mrs. Manning said as amber finally got the door shut. "If you like, I can pull over to a side road real quick and you can change real quick without anyone seeing you. "Thank you, but I can wait until I get home ma'am." "Nonsense honey, I'll pull over here off of Old Elm Road and no one will see you changing. And when you are done, you can just throw the wet one into a garbage dumpster nearby."

Amber didn't know how she was going to get out of this situation, but she did have to admit that she was feeling a bit uncomfortable with wet pants on. She had not worn a diaper during the day since she was two,but it looked like she would either have to wear one, or tell Mrs.Manning the truth. She thought about it for a moment and then decided that it would be nice to at least be dry somewhat, and that she could always change when she got home.

She quickly opened the new bag of diapers and then got into the back seat of the car where there would be more room to change into a dry diaper. "Thank you Mrs. Manning for helping me out this way.Please don't tell anyone about this. It would make it very hard for me if anyone else found out." she said as she slowly wiggled out of her wet jeans and panties.

She stuffed the wet panties into her backpack with full intentions of getting them washed whenever she did her next load of laundry. It was difficult to get the diaper on in the backseat of the car, but after a few minutes of work, she had the clean diaper on and was pulling her jeans back on as well. She was not sure why, but the diaper felt better than normal this time.

As she climbed back into the front seat of the car Mrs. Manning spoke up once more. "There now, I'll bet you feel much better now that you have changed into something dry. Don't forget to throw the old one away real quick Amber. I'm sure no one will notice it if you just throw it into the trash real quick. Go ahead, I'll wait."

Amber was unsure of what to say to her now, but she knew she had to do something soon. "Finally she gave up and told Mrs. Manning the truth about her diapers, her bed wetting, and even why she had accidentally wet herself in the drugstore when she saw Mrs. Manning.When she finished, she was on the verge of tears and felt guilty about trying to deceive her principal.

"It's all right Amber. I won't ever tell anyone your secret if you don't want them to know. If you like, we can stop off real quick at my place and grab you a dry pair of jeans real quick. I can wash and dry the ones you have on now, and get them back to you tomorrow. Wouldn't a dry pair of jeans be nicer than the wet ones you have on?"Amber sat in silence for a moment as she debated on whether or not to take her up on the kind offer.

Finally she gave in and said it would be nice and that she would do the same with the jeans loaned to her. Amber was dropped off at her house roughly 25 minutes later by Mrs. Manning. She quickly took the bag of diapers over to her window and set them right below it where she could easily reach out and grab them later when no one was looking.As she walked back to the front door of her house, she felt a little nervous as she always did whenever she had to get more clean diapers into the house without being caught. She just hoped that Mrs. Manning would keep her secret, and that no else would find out.


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