Part 12

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Amber was caught completely off guard and didn't know what to say as she saw ginger standing there in shock. Before either of the two girls could say anything Mrs. Johnson Took the papers from ginger and asked her to kindly wait for her in the other part of the room. She set the papers down and then finished diapering Amber as if nothing had happened.

When she finished diapering amber she helper her up and told her to wait a moment while she talked to ginger. She assured Amber that everything would be all right and not to worry overly much. She then helped her onto her crutches as she tossed the wet diaper into the trashcan.

Amber came around the curtain with Mrs. Johnson right behind her. The nurse then turned to where Ginger was seated and spoke up, "I had hoped that you would have more respect for a person's privacy. When I have that curtain pulled across then I expect you to wait patiently on the other side of it unless told otherwise. You have just caused poor Amber here a lot of embarrassment by what you did. As for her having to wear what she does, it is not by her choice. I expect that you will tell no one of this unless you want to be suspended from school fort the rest of the year."

Ginger was still a bit surprised at what she had just seen and had a hard time collecting her thoughts for a few seconds. When she finally got her thoughts together she realized how difficult things must be for Amber at the moment. "I'm sorry. I didn't even stop to think first before coming around the curtain. It won't happen again and I promise no one will find out your secret from me Amber."

"Good enough young lady. I'll look over your paperwork tonight before I go home so that we can get everything ready to go." She then turned to amber. "I need you to bring some more supplies tomorrow as you are getting low. Now both of you go and remember what I told you." The two girls left the nurse's office and started for their lockers.

As they walked towards their lockers, Amber explained to Ginger why she was wearing diapers and about her heart attack as well. Amber reached her locker and picked up all of her homework and some books she needed as well. She put everything she needed into her backpack and then hobbled off with ginger to her locker.

Ginger and Amber arrived at Ginger's locker a few minutes later. Ginger opened her locker and began putting books away. She finished putting her books away and shut the locker door then turned to go. She instead stopped and looked around for a moment then asked Amber a question. "What's it like to have to wear those all the time?"

Amber was stunned by the question and it took her a few moments before she responded. "I have actually been wearing diapers for years. I wore them just to bedto help with my bedwetting until I had my heart attack. I spent 12weeks in the hospital and even had to have open-heart surgery. I wasunable to get up and go to the toilet so they kept me in diaperswhile I healed enough to go home.

When I got home, I tried to re-train myself, but something is wrong with my system and I have very little control over when I wet or mess my diapers. I can feel it happening and try to hold it back, but it comes out anyway. You get used to it after a while though, but always fear someone will find out and tell the whole world. Does that help you understand my dilemma now?"

"I guess so, but I'm still kind of curious what it feels like. Maybe I'll borrow one of yours sometime and find out for myself. I've always been curious but never knew anyone who wore them. There is no other way to know I figure unless I try them for myself. I guess that makes us even now since you know my biggest secret now too."

Amber was a bit surprised to hear this but decided to have some fun and shock Ginger a little bit as payback for what happened earlier in the nurses office. She reached into the back compartment of her backpack and pulled out one of her diapers. She then handed it to Ginger an dtold her to go ahead and have some fun.

Ginger was too shocked to speak for a moment but then reached out and took the diaper from Amber with a glassy look in her eyes. She looked around to make sure no one had seen or heard them and then tucked the diaper between some books and went straight to the restrooms with it.Amber followed her to the restrooms and was wondering if ginger would actually put it on.


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