Part 11

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Amber walked out to where Kevin was sitting at. He had just finished talking with the police as she approached. "What happened?"she asked as she sat down next to him. She was very worried about him as she asked him the question.

His right eye was swollen shut and had three stitches just above the eyebrow. He tried to smile at her as he answered her question. "I was attacked out in the parking lot as I got out of my car. I don't know who they were or why they chose me for their target. I Don't even know what it was they wanted with my car, but they stole it anyway after hitting me repeatedly with a bat and slashing me a few times with a knife as well. I'm lucky that someone saw it happening and called for help right away. All I ended up with are some bruised ribs and only one cut that needed stitches."

A few moments later Kevin's mother came into the nurse's office and was surprised to see how badly the thieves had beaten her son. As Kevin's mother and the nurse were talking amber was trying to hold back an all too familiar sensation in her bowels as her system threatened to let loose into her diaper. When the nurse and Kevin's mother finished speaking they turned around just in time to hear Amber fill her diaper with a loud and noisy blast of hot mush. She followed this up with a quick flood from her bladder, which served to make the mess even worse.

Amber turned red and felt like crying as she slowly stood up and walked carefully into the back room to get changed once again. She couldn't figure out why she could not manage to get her bowels and bladder under control and feared she would have to wear diapers the rest of her life. Kevin's mother smiled at Amber as she spoke up, "I think you better get yourself changed out of that diaper right away before you end up with a nasty case of diaper rash." She could see the embarrassment on amber's face as the young girl hobbled on crutches into the back room to get her diaper changed once more.

As soon as the door closed behind her she broke into tears. It took her a few moments to get herself composed once more as she waited for someone to come and change her wet and messy diaper. She did not know how Kevin's mother had known she was wearing a diaper. She had done all that she could to hide the fact from everyone so as not to get teased about it. She was very grateful when the nurse came into change her out of her messy diaper once more.

"I see you have been crying over what just happened out there. Don't worry honey, she won't tell anyone about this. She knew all along about your condition. It seems that she was one of the nurses that helped to take care of you in the hospital when you had your heart attack. Her biggest surprise was that Kevin actually got around to finally asking you out. Now lay down here and lets get you cleaned up and changed again. Can't have you walking around in a mess all day and getting a rash from it."

Amber laid down as the nurse undid her diaper and got her cleaned up. She was then changed into a clean diaper and given an excuse slip and sent onto her classes. The nurse felt sorry for the young girl and wished she could somehow help her with the stress she was going through at the moment.

Amber walked into her fourth hour gym class and handed her teacher the excuse slip she had been given by the nurse. He politely took the slip and looked at it for a moment before speaking to her. "I'm new here Amber, but from what I've been informed by the nurse and the principal you are one very lucky young lady. I'll let you participate in some of the light activities that are not very strenuous. If you feel light headed or dizzy at any time, let me know. I also know that you have a bad ankle and also have temporary incontinence. If you need to be allowed to go change just let me know and I'll let you go right away. As for your nitro pills, I expect you to have them with you at all times. Everyone here knows about your heart attack and no one will pick on you if you need to take one. As for later when you get out of the cast and back into shape, if you still are incontinent, then I'll let you go five minutes before everyone else does. At the beginning of the class, you can come in five minutes later so no one will find out. If anyone in here teases you about this, let me know and I'll deal with them personally."

Amber thanked him for his kindness and joined some of the other girls that were helping to air up some of the various different balls and then put them away. One of the girls introduced herself as Ginger while pumping air into one of the balls and then tossing them to another girl that put them away.

"I hear that you're the lucky one here. I just moved here last week and have not had much chance to get to know anyone yet. I tried to remedy that by asking a really cute guy out for a date. I struck out on that one in a big way. Turns out you already have a claim on him you lucky stiff."

Amber laughed as Ginger told her the entire story and felt a little sorry for her at the same time. When the bell to dismiss class rang a little while later everyone but Amber headed for the locker room to shower and change. She instead gathered up what little bit of stuff she had with her and headed on to her next class of the day.

By the time her last class was over she was tired and soaked. She walked down the hall and then up the stairs to the second floor. She was almost knocked over again as a couple of guys ran into her while goofing off and pushing each other around. She would have hit the floor hard if not for someone catching her from behind at the last second. She was helped to her feet and back onto her crutches before she could turn around and see who it was.

When she got the chance to turn around to thank her rescuer she was surprised to find out it was Ginger. "I hope those jerks trip and fall down the stairs or something. You think they could at least be a little more careful when they see someone on crutches. Where you headed to anyway?"

"I've got to go to the nurses office to take care of something real quick and then I'm headed home to call and see how Kevin is doing.""I'll join you in the nurses office since I was on my way there as well to sign some papers so they can get my medical records transferred over to here."

Amber told Ginger all about what had happened to Kevin earlier that day when she had to go to the nurse office to take care of something.Ginger was surprised to hear about the incident with Kevin and hoped he would be all right. She then asked Amber if Kevin had any brothers that were as good-looking as him and not already taken. They arrived at the nurse's office a few moments later and walked in. Ginger filled out paperwork while Amber had her wet diaper changed.

Mrs.Johnson was just pulling the front of the diaper up between amber's legs when Ginger came walking around the privacy curtain with the paperwork in her hand. She stopped dead in her tracks when she saw Amber.


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