Part 6

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Amber's mother had just arrived at the hospital for her shift when the call came in from the ambulance crew. They had a juvenile female roughly17 years old in full cardiac arrest. The e.t.a. From the hospital was three minutes. Amber's mother and the rest of the nurses on duty quickly rushed to prepare an emergency room for the patient coming in. Trays of medications were set out; machines were turned on and made ready for use. Amber's mother never suspected that it was her daughter in the ambulance, or that her world was about to be forever changed.

The ambulance crew quickly backed up and threw open the doors of the ambulance to unload their unfortunate passenger. They had managed to get her heart started once more by the time they arrived, but it was weak heartbeat. They continued to move quickly with her as they rushed down a short hallway to the awaiting room and her unsuspecting mother.

As soon as they wheeled her into the room, the paramedics started to tell the doctors everything they had done to her on the trip and that she was lucky to be alive. It seems that some student saw her turn pale, pass out and fall down the stairs. Upon reaching her, the student administered C.P.R. and mouth to mouth in between breaths of shouting for help. The two paramedics credited the quick actions of the youth with saving Amber's life.

Amber's mother entered the room prepared to do her job and fight to help save the life of the young girl. When She saw who it was on the bed she dropped everything and shouted. "OH MY GOD NO!!! AMBER!!!"

Another nurse quickly grabbed her and dragged her out of the room when she realized that the girl was her daughter who was in there fighting for her life. "Calm down honey, calm down. I can't have you in therein the shape you're in, or you're just as likely to be doing her more harm than good. Quickly now, does she have any allergies that we need to know of?" Mrs. Johnson shook her head no as she tried to get herself under control. "She's a good girl. Hates drugs and is even a virgin still. I don't understand how this could have happened.She has not had any heart trouble since she was a baby." "Wait here honey, I'll find out what is going on and tell them the information. Go ahead and cry if you like. If it was my daughter in there, I'd be just as scared as you are. I'll be right back"

After another long and agonizing 30 minutes, one of the doctors came out of the little room Amber had been put into. "She's stable now.She's a real fighter and should recover fully in time. I have read over her medical history, but I am curious about the diapers. Care to fill me in?"

After filling him in as to why she was wearing diapers when they got to her, he shook his head and spoke up once more. "A little harsh don't you think? Did it ever occur to you to find out all the details before getting upset with her? That's usually not like you to be so rash and quick to act. You're the best-damned head nurse I've ever had and also the most carefully attentive to all the details. I'll tell you what, when we get everything all figured out here in a little bit, I'll let you try to tell me about it. Strictly off the record and as a friend. Now let's go see your daughter."

Amber's mother stood staring at her daughter who was now lying on a bed and was hooked up to all sorts of various machines. Tears rolled down her mothers face as she listened to the doctor tell her that amber had a heart attack due to stress and a defective heart valve that gave out on her. They had her hooked up to a machine that pumped blood for amber, and another one that helped her breathe. They had scheduled her for emergency surgery in 20 minutes from then and would replace her bad heart valve with an artificial one.

Amber's surgery went well and had no complications. She was taken to a room in the intensive care unit and monitored carefully for the next three days. Amber's mother was given an emergency leave of absence from the hospital so that she could be with her daughter while she began to recover. Amber was removed from life support by the end of the second day, as she no longer needed it. The hospital staff continued to leave her in diapers and to change her whenever she needed it. Within five days of having the surgery, Amber finally woke up.

"Where am I?" she asked as she saw her mother standing next to her with a very worried look on her face. "Oh thank God! I thought I'd lost you for good. I'm sorry honey. You had a heart attack and fell down the stairs at school. Apparently your new boyfriend saved your life by giving you c.p.r. And mouth to mouth until the paramedics arrived to take over." Amber winced in pain as she tried to sit up a little too fast. "Take it easy and try again honey, only do it real slowly this time. They had to do emergency heart surgery on you and as a result you are going to be very weak and sore for awhile."

After being in the hospital for almost twelve weeks, they finally let amber go home. As she began to leave her room, Kevin showed up with a bouquet of a dozen white roses in hand. As he approached Amber he began to smile. "I brought these for you." he said as he handed her the roses. "You know, you could have just told me you had a headache if you didn't want to go out on the date. You didn't have to go through such extremes you know." Amber laughed as she swatted him on the arm.

"As they began their drive home, Amber flooded her diaper to the point where it almost leaked before she realized that she had done so. "Um,mom, I need to use the bathroom when we get home. I may need some help from you if you don't mind." Amber's mother smiled for a moment and then replied. "Not at all honey. Everything is ready for you when you get home. Say Kevin, do you need to be dropped off anywhere?" Kevin smiled and politely responded, "You can just drop me off at the drugstore near your place if you like. I need to get a few things for myself from the pharmacy anyway."

Amber gave Kevin a questioning look for a moment before he replied. "Don't worry Amber, I'm not sick or anything like that. I just have to pickup my insulin prescription from there. I'm diabetic and have to use insulin daily. I go there every two weeks and pick up fresh insulin supplies and testing papers as well as other things I need to use for my health. I would have told you sooner, but you decided to scare me half to death before I could tell you. Happy now that you know one of my big secrets?" Kevin stated with slight laugh.

A few moments later they were pulling up to the front of the drugstore when Amber leaned over and grabbed Kevin and then proceeded to kiss him. As she broke off the kiss she couldn't help but laugh at the look of surprise on his face. "I had to thank you properly for saving my life now didn't I? Plus I heard that you kept checking with the nurses every day to see how I was doing and if you could see me.Now then, as for that date, when I get strong enough, I would still like for us to have it. I just hope you can have patience for a few more weeks so I can also get caught up on my schoolwork. I'd hate to miss graduation just due to some little heart attack." After they dropped off Kevin, they proceeded to head for home so that Amber could rest as well as get a diaper change.


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