Part 13

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By the time Amber made it to the restroom, Ginger was already in one of the stalls with the door shut. She could hear the sounds of Ginger unfolding the diaper and some more rustling sounds as well. A few seconds later she could hear the tapes of the diaper being applied as Ginger securely taped the diaper on.

The stall door opened a few minutes later as Ginger stepped out into full view of Amber. She looked at herself in one of the mirrors Amber and smiled at her before finally breaking the silence and speaking up.

"It took me a few minutes to figure out how to get this on, but it was worth it. I can't believe I never tried this sooner. This feels so good I almost hate to use it. I am definitely going to have to get some of these somewhere so I can enjoy this feeling more often. Thank you for this Amber. Now I don't feel so bad about not having a boyfriend and for trying to ask out yours by accident."

As they were leaving the building a few minutes later amber spotted Julie waiting for her by the edge of the parking lot. She still had her arm in a sling and would not get it out for a few more days.Amber waved to Julie as her and Ginger went over to the car.

"It's about time you showed up. I was starting to get worried that something bad had happened to you. So what took you so long to get here this time? Oh and before I forget, Kevin's mother called me upon my cell phone. He's doing fine and is resting comfortably. He has two broken ribs as well as the bad cut that the nurse stitched up for him. She also said that were welcome to come see him tomorrow after school as long as you bring your own supplies."

Amber thanked Julie and then introduced Ginger to her. The three of them chatted about boys for a few minutes before deciding it was time to go home for the day and get started on all their homework. Ginger shook Julies hand and then turned to leave but stopped dead in her tracks as Julie spoke up to her.

"I know this probably embarrassing to you, but you need to change.You're starting to leak a little around your left leg. And don't worry, it is not very noticeable, but I have some experience in these matters and tend to spot them faster than most others will."

Ginger reached down and felt her left leg area near where the diaper was and noticed that it was indeed wet. She was unsure of what to do next since she had taken her panties off in favor of the diaper and did not even have a spare diaper to change into at the moment.

Amber shook her head and laughed as she began to rummage through her backpack once more for another diaper to give to Ginger. She pulled out her last one and handed it to ginger. Ginger was turning red as she accepted the diaper from Amber. She did not want to risk going back into the building to change since someone might spot her that knew her.

"Do either of you know a place I could change at without being seen by someone other than you two. It takes me about five minutes to get one of these on right. " Julie opened up the back door of the car and told her to get in and change in the back while they kept watch and made sure no one would see what was going on. Ginger climbed into the backseat of the car and began to pull her jeans down as best she could in the cramped space.

After waiting for almost seven minutes for Ginger to finish changing herself Julie became impatient. "What's taking you so long? I could have done it half the time." Julie turned to look into the backseat and almost laughed as she saw that ginger had the diaper all crooked underneath her and was trying to straighten it out before fastening it on herself.

"Here,let me. I've changed Amber enough times that I'm an old pro at this.Just lie back and relax while I get your diaper straightened out and fastened tight enough so it won't leak. I'd almost swear you've never done this before the way it's taking you so long."

Ginger laid back and relaxed as Julie straightened out her diaper and then brought the front of it up between her legs tightly before fastening it with the six tapes. She then started to pull up gingers jeans when a pair of panties fell out of the pocket and onto the floor. Julie stopped for a moment and then continued to help Ginger get dressed once again. As she finished helping her out of the backseat of the car she handed the panties back to her.

Amber was trying hard not to laugh at Ginger's predicament and knew that Julie had figured it out as soon as she saw ginger trying to get the diaper on. "Ginger, I suggest that if you want to keep wearing diapers, that you let me or Amber show you how to put them on, and also that you find a good hiding place for them as well as a way to sneak them into where you live. If your parents find them, they most likely won't understand and could even make your life a lot more difficult. If you want to wear them all the time, then I suggest taking some to the school nurse and allowing her to change you between classes.

Amber laughed as Ginger turned red from embarrassment. This was the best revenge she could hope for since Ginger had discovered her secret earlier in the day. She tried to hide the laughter as ginger climbed out of the back seat of the car so that Ginger would not see her laughing.

"I suppose you found that very amusing. I suppose you did better the first few times you changed yourself? I'd like to see you try to change in the backseat of a car and do a better job of it than me."

Amber laughed for a few moments as she saw the look on ginger's face. When she could finally stop laughing and catch her breath she apologized for laughing. She then went on to explain how she had to change in the backseat of the principal's car not too long ago before her heart attack. She then told of her embarrassment when Julie walked in on her being changed in a public bathroom at the mall by her mother. She told of a few other times she had been caught off guard by others as well.

By the time she was finished telling all of this to Ginger, they were all three of them laughing hard. It was brought to a halt a few minutes later by a bright flash of lightning and a loud crash of thunder. All three of them were startled by this and quickly jumped inside the car as it began to rain hard. They got into the car and started laughing over having been caught in the rain.

The skies continued to darken as they drove Ginger to her house and dropped her off. Amber and Julie arrived at the drugstore a few blocks from Amber's house and readied themselves to make a mad dash for the doors in the heavy downpour. They opened the doors and ran for the front of the drugstore just as the emergency alert sirens sounded loudly all over town. They made it to the front doors of the drugstore and turned around just in time to see a tornado touching down near the far end of the parking lot.


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