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Something was growing close. You could feel it. The air around you moved strangely, and not just because of the people walking passed you constantly. You could sense something was coming.

You had a pretty good guess of what, or who, but you couldn't tell. It also wasn't very likely. You have not been in the same place at one time in forever, not one of you. There was no way it was one of them.

But could it be?

You felt it, and you felt it close. There was something coming and it was so close.

He was so close.

Hugh was coming.

But how?

The scientists of Midgard worked around you, trying to figure out why you were behaving. You usually didn't do anything, just went with whatever happened. But Hugh was coming.

"Talk to me, doctor." Said Director Nick Fury, a man you've known for quite a while. It impressed you how long he stuck around, no one really stuck around you for too long. They either lost you or they were struck down.

People evacuated all around you while a few stayed with Selvig.

You might have gone a little overboard as you sent sparks and little bits of energy flying around the room. You needed to keep this door open. If Hugh was coming, you didn't want him to be blocked out by pesky Midgardians.

A scientist named Dr. Erik Selvig, one of the main scientists that had been working on the Tesseract, greeted him, "Director."

"Is there anything we know for certain?" Fury asked.

"The Tesseract is misbehaving." Erik replied.

"Is that supposed to be funny?"

"No, it's not funny at all. The Tesseract is not only active, she's...behaving."

"How soon until you pull the plug?"

"She's an energy source. If we turn off the power, she turns it back on. If she reaches peak level-"

"We've prepared for this doctor. Harnessing energy from space."

"We don't have the harness. Our calculations are far from complete. Now she's throwing off interference, radiation. Nothing harmful, low levels of gamma radiation."

"That can be harmful. Where's Barton?"

"The Hawk? Up in his nest, as usual."

And he was. Agent Clint Barton was also another face that you saw quite often.

You blocked out the talking from their, focusing on keeping the doorway open for Hugh. Then something Barton said got your attention.

"If there was any tampering, sir, it wasn't at this end." He said.

Fury asked, "At this end?"

Barton looked up at him with a nod, "Yeah, the cube is a doorway to the other end of space, right? Doors open from both sides."

Wait...who opened the door? Because it wasn't you.



He's here. As he came through the door, the energy in your surged. The Tesseract glew brighter and emitted a ring of light that built like a beam. The power hit the edge of the platform, and began to form a vortex, which became a portal. Space appeared through the portal, and a gust of blue energy knocked people back. The cloud shot to the ceiling, and the portal on the platform opened.

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