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You arrived at a large building in Germany the next night. People all around were dressed in formal wear and seemed to be having a good time.

You, on the other hand, were a great actress and your performance has started the moment you walked into the room. Stepping into the building with Loki, he went to take your hand and you yanked it away.

You winked subtly at him so he knew you were acting and he nodded, less surprised by your reaction. Barton and a few other agents were doing their own work while you and Loki were inside.

A song turned on and he offered you a dance. You refused him and he brought you close, whispering in your ear, "Act like I'm threatening you. May I have this dance?"

You slowly looked back up and him and sighed, nodding. He held out his hand and you grabbed it, he swept you onto the dance floor with the rest of the mortals, gliding across the floor. You weren't a very good dancer, though. He glided across the floor, you dragged yourself.

It added to the performance, so whatever.

As you danced, it didn't escape your notice that the pendant wouldn't stop glowing, slowly getting brighter and brighter. Loki had noticed it as well, and he was just as curious as you were.

A bit of time passed and Loki took you to a place where you wouldn't be seen for a bit. "Are you actually enjoying yourself, dear?"

You nodded, "Mhm. A bit down I have to act like I hate you."

He nodded, "I know. Come. It's time."

You nodded and he pulled you back into the room, walking next to him at the top of the stairs.

A man looked over at you both and started to block your way. Loki flipped the scepter, which had an illusion to look like a staff. He swung it and hit the man across the face harshly. You genuinely jumped. He'd been so nice to you, his mind control seemed less clear when he was with you, that you forgot he was still not exactly himself. From what you'd seen in his mind, Loki wasn't like this.

He flipped the man on a hard surface, taking some sort of device and placing it on the man's face in a stabbing motion. He looked up, a malicious smirk in his face.

When he let go of the man, he turned to you and harshly motioned you to come with him. An act. It was an act.

You followed uncertainly behind him and he gave you a brief look to show you that it was an act. You were reassured and you walked with him, feigning fear of him.

You walked behind him as people started running away, fearful of the god who had just attacked an innocent.

Everyone was chased out into the front of the building and Loki sent illusions to gather them. "Kneel before me." He demanded.

The people continued to rush, looking for a way out. Loki's Midgardian attire turned into his armour, a large, horned helmet on his head and the staff now the normal scepter he rarely put down.

Your own attire changed back to your armour. Loki yelled to the group, "I said, kneel!"

The crowd slowly did so, scared of the mighty god before them. In addition to your armour, you had a crown atop your head that had green, blue, gold, and clear diamonds decorating it beautifully. It was beautiful, but you had to act like you hated it.

He would make it again if you asked him to, you knew this. It only made your next move a little easier, but still hard, nonetheless.

He put an arm around your waist and you tore yourself away from him. He turned to you sharply and you gave him an angry look, but he could see right through it.

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