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The giant alien headed for the group of Avengers and you watched curiously. Just in time, as the Leviathan got closer to the group, Hulk had changed and stopped it, the armour ripping off of the Leviathan as it did a 360.

The Avengers, finally a team, stood together as one. Loki spoke from his chariot, all of the ships scattered around the city being alerted as he told them, "Send the rest."

Your eyes widened slightly in horror as the portal sent more and more of the Chitrauti through it.

The team has assembled below, taking orders of what to do. However, your eyes wandered to Thor, who had found his way at the top of the largest building. He lifted his hammer to the sky and clouds started to gather, thunder and lightning summoning.

When you found out what he was about to do, you flew as fast as you could over to him. But you were too late. You were almost to him when he sent the lightning into the portal. The beam of energy that the Tesseract was shooting was entangled with the lightning.

The Chitauri heading out of the portal were stopped and pushed back in as they died from the shock.

You, on the other hand, were having a different experience. Some of the lightning traveled down the beam and to the Tesseract, lighting it up as the electricity got to it.

You felt the shocks in the Tesseract and it reached you. You shook and jerked this way and that as you were electricuted by the lightning. You veins flew a bright blue and your eyes lit up all the same.

You stayed like that for as long as Thor had his hammer pointed at the portal. It felt like forever as the pain plagued your body.

When it stopped all to quickly, you fell limp. You thought you would fall onto the ship floor, but when your legs gave out, you fell backwards and off of the chariot a thousand feet from the ground.

You tried to muster strength to teleport, but it was rendered useless as you were burnt out from the shocking.

Loki saw you falling from the sky as he looked around him. His eyes widened as utter horror struck him. He felt a stab at his heart before it began pounding in his chest.

He rushed over, using the chariot to get to you as fast as he possibly could. You were falling fast, getting closer and closer to the hard ground with each second.

Loki was so close, so close to you. He picked up the speed very slightly, already going so quick. You were about to smack hard on the ground before he caught you in his arms when the chariot swooped by.

His breathing was quick and hard as he drowned you in questions, "Are you alright? What happened? Who did this? How did this happen? Are you hurt?"

You lifted a weak hand to his face to calm him just enough to say, "You saved me, I'm okay."

He flew you to the top of a building and got off, holding you in his arms still, "What happened?"

"Thor's hammer, the lightning. It reached the Tesseract and the bond got to me," you explained. You breathed to calm your body and slowly began getting feeling in it once again.

You had Loki set you back on your feet. "I'll kill him." Loki growled, turning to the chariot.

You stopped him, "No, he didn't know it would happen. He meant no harm to me...well not intentionally."

You sighed and told him, "I'm okay. Thank you. You saved me from either death, or a lot of pain."

He put a hand on your cheek and told you gently, "No need to thank me. I just need you to keep your promise."

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