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You jumped out of the cube and caught your breath a little. You stood up an turned to face a very surprised Loki. You smiled, "Hey, that took...a little more than I thought."

Loki tilted his head and looked at you. You nodded, "Oh, yeah." You walked over and took the muzzle from his mouth. He thanked you and stretched his jaw.

"Thank you. What just happened," he asked.

You nodded, "There's no punishment being faced in Asgard for you. We're safe."

"Where," he asked, looking around.

You smiled, "Anywhere you want. We're not even in the same time as before. Loki, welcome to the 1990s of Midgard."

Loki took a look around and smiled, "You are full of surprises, my lady."

"And I have many more to come." You told him, moving closer. You touched the cuffs on his wrists and they fell to the ground.

He set his hands on your waist and pulled you over to him. "And I look forward to seeing them all."

You kissed him, wrapping your arms around his neck. When you pulled away, you were only a lip's distance from him as you told him, "I love you."

He smiled against your lips, kissing you again. He sighed and closed his eyes, "I love you, too."

He snapped his fingers and your outfits changed from the armour you were dressed in to, a suit and dress. You examined yourself and lifted a brow, "I take it, you wish to stay here a while."

"Only if you wish," he told you.

You smiled, "Let's stay awhile then." You kissed him and muttered, "Have some fun time to ourselves."

"Sounds like a plan," he muttered.

You sighed and told him, "I never knew the prophecy would be more than a little companionship. It's given me more than I ever thought it would."

You pulled away from him a little and told him, "I'm sorry I doubted you. I should have fully trusted that stupid legend, I should have trusted you. Forgive me, Loki."

He put a gentle hand on your cheek and told you warmly, "My love, it's common sense to doubt. If you didn't doubt any of it, I'd be concerned for you."

You laughed a little and he kissed your hand, "There's nothing to forgive, you did nothing wrong." You sighed and nodded.

"So what do you want to do," you asked.

He hooked an arm around your waist and smiled, "The way I see it, we can do anything we want."

He smirked down at you and you returned it, "Lead the way."

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