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You woke up with a bolt, sitting up straight and moving to the corner of the room. You looked around frantically, trying to get your bearings. In a moment of possible self defense, you summoned your arrows and they were sitting in front of you, ready for your use.

You saw am agent standing in the corner of the room, facing you. You raised your bow, caught in the heat of the moment and shot your arrow, hitting the man between the eyes as he fell to the floor.

Your breathing was rushed and it took you a moment to realize he wasn't armed. You breathed out sharply, "Oh, shit." You mumbled.

You looked to the door when a peculiar sound came from it. Someone was peering in from a slot and looked down to see the dead agent on the floor. He closed the slot quickly and shuffled away from the door.

You went to it, grabbing the handle and yanking on it to open it. When it didn't budge, you out more strength in it, but it didn't work. You circled the room, panicking. Where was the Tesseract? Where was the scepter? Where was Loki, at the very least?

After a few moments, the door opened and the man himself stepped in. He looked down at the dead man on the floor and sighed, "Oh dear."

The door closed behind him and he looked back up at you, "Did you kill him?"

"Instinct." You defended briefly, "Maybe don't knock me out and put me in a strange room with one other person. Felt threatening."

Loki nodded, understanding where you were coming from. He sat in a chair in the room and asked, "So, where did you come from?" His necklace was still glowing, no sign of stopping anytime soon.

"What do you mean? I told you." You said, eyeing the necklace briefly before looking back up at him.

He shook his head with a laugh, "You did not. You said who you were, nothing about where you came from."

"Did you not see for yourself? In front of all of them?" You asked, narrowing your eyes. He tilted his head in question.

His eyes were still sunken in and red-rimmed, better than before, but still unwell. He still seemed pretty weak, his chapped lips and pale skin lined with sweat a clear sign of his sickness.

"You are unwell." You told him.

He was surprised by your answer. You walked closer to him, ignoring the brighter glow of the pendant, kneeling on the floor just in front of him, no longer in your defense mode. You reached a hand to his face and he swiftly grabbed it, cautious of your reaction.

You looked at the hand on your own, then back into his eyes. They were blue, a strange blue. Not his normal color, you could tell, whether you'd seen them before or not. "What's wrong?" You asked, more to yourself than to him.

"I beg your parden?" He asked softly.

You wiggled your hand from his and back to his face, placing the palm softly on his cheek. You closed your eyes and a blue glow eminated from the palm.

Your eyes snapped open, shining a bright blue. You could see his past, his present, his mind, and his thoughts.

A baby, a Jotun in the hands of an Asgardian King. A prince.

Growing up, adopted. A brother, a mother, a father.

Brother. Wrong, arrogant.

Father. Wrong, cruel only to him, lies, deceit.

Mother. Loving, caring, good.

Necklace. Locator, love, soul.

Betrayal, hurt, loss, cruelty.

Worthy | Loki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now