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Loki turned to you, an amused smirk on his face. You stopped laughing, turning to face him now. He told you, "You're quite the actress, Lady Tesseract."

You smiled, "Thank you. Same to you."

He nodded and sat down, watching the scene unfold before him. You sat down with him and asked him, "So...are you okay?"

"What do you mean?" He asked.

You shrugged, "The things you said earlier." You sighed, looking at him softly before saying, "Loki, when I saw into your mind before...I saw your memories. I know what happened and I felt what you felt. I saw the shadow, I saw the shade, but the abyss."

"What of it?" He asked, not looking at you as he watched the superheros bicker like 5-year-olds.

"You said he tossed you... I..." You said, trying to find the words. They weren't easy words. Loki seemed to understand and he nodded, "I know."

'It's easier to say betrayal.' You heard within those two words. You nodded and sighed, your attention turned to his necklace.

"It really is a beauty." You told him softly. He followed your gaze to his necklace, picking it up and nodding, a soft smile on his lips. "Tis." He said softly. He pressed a kiss to it and the tucked it back under his shirt.

You smiled at this soft side of Loki, feeling a strange warmth over your body when he kissed it. You turned your attention to the fight below, a large bang shaking the earth. You looked down, seeing the Captain with his shield and Thor with his hammer slammed against it.

"Children." You and Loki muttered at the same time. "Someone's close." He thought to you.

You nodded and stood, walking away from him. He followed suit, standing. He started arguing with you, "So defiant. What, does it make you happy to rebel against me in front of a crowd?"

You argued back, "Maybe it does. Someone has to show you what little power truly you have!"

"And yet, you still knelt before me." He responded.

"Because you stuck that spear in my face! What was I supposed to do? I may not like you, but I would rather not die because of it!"

Before Loki could continue, Stark came down and landed next to you. He grabbed Loki's cuffs and said, "Okay, lovebirds, time to go."

You acted offended, but you were amused, "Lovebirds?"

He grabbed you and flew you toward the aircraft to continue the trip.


You were delivered to what you assumed was SHIELD. Loki was surrounded by SHIELD agents who escorted him to a cell, you were put with the "team", watching as they left.

He passed by the lab you were in, smirking in at everyone. He winked at you and you readjusted yourself in your seat.

He then looked at Banner, nodding and smiling a little before continuing to walk. You strayed closer to the scepter that the scientist, Banner, was working on.

You turned your attention to the screen mounted on the wall of Loki in a cell, his necklace no longer glowing, instead just the piece of gold it was. He explored the space while Fury spoke.

"In case it's unclear, you try to escape, you so much as scratch that glass." Fury pressed a button which opened up a hatch underneath Loki's cell. Loki peered as much as he can from the glass to look, not concerned in the slightest.

"Thirty thousand feet, straight down in a steel trap. You get how that works?" Fury asked. He pointed to Loki, "Ant." He pointed to the button that would release the cell, "Boot."

Worthy | Loki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now