AU where Harry truly believes in Destiny and Louis just happens to cross his path at the right moment. Featuring a world with the size of a stamp, Liam as the best friend ever, Niall as a social butterfly who knows everyone and Zayn who always knows...
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Liam's face was priceless when he showed up at his flat's door: his friend had opened it with nonchalance, maybe he was waiting for the postman, but instead he found Louis staring at him with a huge smile – and with a huge suitcase, too. Liam had made a choking sound then, and crushed him with a hug that almost made him fall down the stairs.
"Ta-daaa!" Louis had said, waving his arms and moving like a freak. "Guess who invited himself to stay at yours?"
On the other side, Liam had stopped smiling and shook his head. "You don't say!"
"But, I am going to tell you now, otherwise you could have some kind of heart attack. This is not a holiday as always, but– you know, I mean... Can I– if you don't mind, of course–"
"Speak, Tomlinson."
"...Can I really stay at yours? Like, permanently? Not forever, just till I find some shitty flat in London. We could be roommates for a little. Come on, it's going to be super-fun!" Louis had said.
And then Liam had laughed at him like hell. Why he did, Louis never knew.
He remembers that, for a moment, he was scared to hear a 'no' coming out of his friend's mouth... he had never considered that option. To be homeless. Then Liam had shook his head again, like 'why the fuck am I friends with this bloke', put an arm around Louis' shoulders and said: "You're always welcome to Payne's reign with one condition: wash your feet everyday, because I'm not going to die in my own house because of your smelly feet."
Louis had laughed at that and promised it, but he never kept his promise.
That day they had spent about three hours talking, screaming, eating, screaming, screaming, eating, screaming and so on. Just normal stuff they usually do together. The really good thing is that Liam had been very, very happy to see Louis and to have him hanging around in his flat everyday. Louis is so grateful to Liam to have welcomed him in his house and helped him during his first few weeks in London.
Yeah, because right: Louis is officially a Londoner now.
He really loves being in London, hanging around the big city everyday at every time. Of course he constantly misses his family and Stan, but it's also exciting living alone, doing stuff that he would never have expected. For example, Louis is now a champion in ironing. He can iron shirts as surely no one else can and he's pretty good with houseworks. When he was at his mum's house in Doncaster, or even when he was a guest at Liam's, he never ever ever ever washed a dish. Louis was pretty shit as the man of the house, but.
Anyway, now it's been a month since he moved to London. He likes living in the city, really. Louis had spent about two weeks in Liam's flat, waiting to find one all for himself. He remembers a conversation with his friend two days after he knocked on Liam's door, when he had explained that Louis had worried him, showing up without a word of warning. He had feared Louis had broken up with Eleanor or something bad like that, when in reality he had just been promoted from intern to actual employee for the newspaper he works for.