9- Haruki's meeting

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[Leo's PoV]

I wanted to speak, but nothing came out. Silence filled the room. I turned to my brother urging him to ask the question. The same question I wanted to ask. But neither can he speak. Shock overwhelmed us both.

Mother was the one who broke the silence. "Leo. Kyle." She called our names in a warm yet stern manner to wake us up from the shock. "She- Luna... Is it the Luna we know? Do you mean the Luna- Oh. No, it can't be. That's Luna Hikari, this is Luna Haruki...Sorry, nevermind." I accidentally blurted out my question but soon realised that it was impossible. 

[Kyle's PoV]

"Just to check, but does the Luna you mention have brown hair?" I asked anxiously, ensuring that it wasn't the same person. "Oh, yes. Have you two seen her before? Were you one of the friends she told us of when she sneaked out to play with, when she was younger?" The Queen asked me gently. I just smiled and shook my head in response. 

[Leo's PoV]

"Uhm excuse me, but may I ask where the restroom is?" I asked as politely as I could and stood up from my seat, patting my pocket, ensuring my phone is in there. "One of you siblings can-" before Aunt Beciera could finish her sentence, Valiria immediately stood up and volunteered to show me the way. She led the way as I followed behind her, keeping my distance, still wary of her. 

I nodded my thanks to her asking her to head back first and I went into the toilet. I closed the cubicle door behind me and locked it. I tapped her number and called her. "Hey Luna. I'm sorry to disturb you, but I don't think I can handle this situation by myself. Can you head over? Tell me when you have reached. I'll be waiting for you at the underground tunnel in Aerin beach. Thanks a lot, see you!" I hung up my phone and slid it back into my pocket. I unlocked the door and washed my hands before heading out. 

"What the heck! Why are you still here, didn't I tell you to head back first?" I was taken aback that Valiria was waiting outside the restroom and nearly fell backwards. She pulled me by my hand and into the toilet. "HEY! What are you doing, this is the boy's-" Shocked by her actions, I tried removing her hand from mine. She grabbed both of my hands tightly, making me unable to stop her from what she was about to do next. She pushed me against the wall and tried to silence me by pressing her lips against mine, but I turned away and asked her why she kept doing that. "Luna, Luna, Luna. Stop talking about that bitch already! Why is it always her? Even my mom keeps comparing me with her. She's no longer here!" 

My ears rang. I kicked her knees making her drop to the ground. "DON'T YOU EVER SAY THAT ABOUT YOUR COUSIN. I didn't fight back at first because I took in the fact that you are a girl and my future cousin-in-law at hand. But, if you ever speak another word of your cousin like this again, I would not spare you. Girl or not, related or not." I swung open the toilet door, to be greeted by Veitor.

"Do something about that sister of yours, before I handle her." I nearly spat those words in his face as I walked back to where everyone was still waiting. 

"Sorry for interrupting, but I left something important in my car. I shall go get it quickly." My father waved his hand at me asking me to get back quickly and I turned and ran off. 

[Luna's PoV] 

Why does Leo want me to go to an underground tunnel at Aerin Beach... there is this huge slab of metal wall blocking the tunnel, isn't this the end? What exactly did he ask me to come here for- WOAH IT JUST OPENED?? WAIT LEO? On the other side of the wall, there stood a handsome gentleman who I nearly tripped from the glow of his handsome features.

Still in a trance, I felt someone's warmth against my own hand and turned down to look at where my hand is. Fingers intertwined like they were meant to be. "Luna?" I returned from my daydream when I heard my name being called. I nodded as a reply that I heard him and he brought me in further down the path which was lined with many cars. 

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