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Eight years later, the 'Lucky 13' are still in contact. All of us meet up almost every week. Everyone still lives in the same town. All of us had already graduated from college.

Anna Tumbyo had become a vet, working at the local pet hospital. She had married Parker Conners, who had gotten a degree as an engineer. They had two kids, a boy and a girl. The girl was Julia and the boy was Jack. The other members of the 13 had never expected that those two would end up together.

Rachel Kook didn't go to college. She worked from home as a bag sales lady. Her husband, whom she had met in college, had become a scientist and made hundreds of thousands. She didn't have to work, but she did anyways. The two had adopted a little girl and named her Alexa.

Josh Baker had himself a nice boyfriend. In fact, that boyfriend was Steven Mallary. He had shared his status with the rest of the 13 two years after Josh. Josh had gone to culinary school. He now runs a five star restaurant. Steven works as a mechanic. The two are in the process or trying to get married.

Tanya Werner married Daryl Barmer. Tanya went to college to become a lawyer. She has yet to lose a case. Daryl was currently at military training. They have a four year old son named Jessie.

Perry Duncan and Andrew Mull are also married. Everybody saw that coming. They were totally, undeniably in love during high school. They have a little girl named Susie and another one on the way. Perry works as a teacher. Andrew runs his own movie theater.

Madaline Crow got a job as a scientist. She's currently in the process of discovering exoplanets. She is also engaged to a co-worker. She adopted a little boy and named him Carl, after a boy in her favorite show called The Walking Dead.

Xavier made it rich. Like, multi-Trillionaire rich. He started a clothing company with a friend. He still isn't married, but he's got a really good girlfriend.

And last, but most definitely not least, there's me. I married Nate. I'm an emergency room nurse at the local hospital. Nate works there as a neurosurgeon. We have two beautiful children. Identical twin girls. We named them Alice and Amber. Nate and I have still never fought before. We love each other dearly.

And of course when he kisses me, I still feel the sparks.


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