Chapter 14 Sparks

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"Hey Cassie," Nate said. I opened the door more to let him in.

"Hey Nate," I replied.

"Shall we head upstairs?"

"We shall." Nate and I linked arms and waltzed up the stairs. We go to my room. Nate shut and locked the door.

I sat down on my bed. Nate came and set next to me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist. We leaned in and started to kiss.

"Hey Nate?"

"Yes Cassie?"

"What does it feel like when you kiss me? What do you feel? Describe it."

"When I kiss you, I feel happy. I feel fire on my mouth, like sparks forming. My lips feel warm and my hands around your waist feel like flames," Nate said. "Kissing you is like eating potato chips; you can't have just one."

I pressed my forehead to his. I pressed my nose to his. I then planted a kiss on his nose, and another on his cheek, causing a trail of kisses all the way to his neck. I nestled into the groove.

Nate laid back, arms still around me. My face was still buried in him.

"Nate?" I spoke.


"I love you." This was first time I had ever said it to him. As the words rolled off my tongue, I realized that I truly did mean it.

"I love you more," Nate said.

Just like that, the sparks of the kisses turned into the flames of love.

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