Chapter 1

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The hallways were more crowded than usual. Jocks, nerds, the oh-so-populars, goths, hipsters, musicians and finally, the Artists.

That's where I belong.

Slowly, I walk over to my classmates for Art and stand among them.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"Someone vandalised our school. They are bringing in everyone to ask questions. Classes don't start until eleven." Someone spoke.

It was currently just past 8.

"Where was it vandalised?"

"Gym, science lab, Home Ec building, and teachers lounge."

"I wonder who did it."

"It's obviously the hipsters or the populars who did it."

"I heard people frame us because of it being paint."

More questions and accusing flowed in, making the hallways become louder until some people were shouting over the noise.

"QUIET!" Someone shouted.

The noises quickly died down and everyone faces the principle.

"Now that I have your attention, could Cherry Woods, Abigail Daniels, Sofia Shivers, Mason Terress, Connor Riley, and Liam Kenworth please come into my office? Rest of you are dismissed."

When he said my name, I stiffened. I had never been called into the office before.

"Come on Cherry, let's go." Abigail leads the way.

Abigail is one of my two friends in this school.

Sam, which is my other friend, is unfortunately away today.

When we step inside the office, cool air hits me, making goosebumps show.

"Hello students. Sorry if I have made any of you feel uncomfortable. I just need to ask a few questions, since you guys seem to know what's happened."

I gulp. Even though I had no idea what properly happened, I still feel scared.

"We will start with you Mason, ok?" Mason nods.

"Alright." He said.

"Where were you yesterday..."

I spaced out and looked out the window.

Usually, I wouldn't get time to during school, otherwise I would get in trouble. But, for some reason, today felt like it would be a good day to do so.

Dark clouds in the sky showed that it was going to storm, hail even.

No rays of sunshine came through the clouds. It was dark.

Sadly, I will have to catch the bus home this afternoon, unless my mother comes and picks me up. She usually would if it's a day like this.

Mason finished and now Abigail is sitting in his spot. Out of the corner of my eye, I see someone looking at me.

I couldn't be bothered to look at him or her.

After a while of staring out the window, someone tapped my shoulder and waved their hand in my face.

"Yes, sorry?" I said quickly.

"Are you feeling alright?"

Everyone was looking at me, waiting for an answer.

"Um...yeah, just feeling a bit light headed." I finally managed to say.

The principle looks at me. "Would you like to go get a drink of water?"

I nod.

"Take Abigail with you, then come straight back."

"Come on Cherry, let's go." Abigail grabs my arm and takes me outside.

"What's up?" She asks.

I didn't reply, but instead looked at the clouds again. Thunder was heard i the distance. I knew it wasn't too far off.

"Hello? Earth to Cherry?"

"Oh, yeah. Sorry."

Abigail sighs. "Let's take you to the nurse."

Abigail leads me into a building and knocks on the door. When it opens, a lady with a bloody tissue stand there.

"Hello girls, what can I do for you?" She asks, putting the tissue in the bin.

"Cherry here keeps spacing out and says she feels light headed."

A boy with blood down his leg sits on a chair. He holds a wet paper towel to the wound. The amount of blood makes me feel even more light headed.

"Has she had any water to drink?" The nurse asks.

"No, not yet."

She leaves and comes back in less than a minute holding a cup of water. She hands it to me.

"There you go Cherry. Now, I will give your mother a call and see if she can take you home." With that, she leaves.

"Sit down Cherry. We don't want you to faint, now do we?" I shake my head.

"Thanks Abigail." I manage to say.

After waiting about five minutes, the nurse comes back in.

"Your mother is on the way, Cherry. Make sure to keep drinking sips of water." She faces Abigail. "I suggest you go back to what ever you were doing."

"Thank you. And Cherry, I'll tell the principle what's happened with you, ok?" With one final nod, she leaves.


"Your mother is here."

I stand up and walk carefully over to her.

"Oh Cherry, what have you done?" She asks me. "Come on. Let's go home. I can make you a hot chocolate of you like."

I smile. "Yes, thanks."

"Take care Cherry!" The nurse waves.


Hey guys and girls!

So yes, I decided to make a Romance book.

Cause my friends are making one and I felt like I should too. And yes, I put my crush in this book. I don't even know, it would be so awkward if he was on here and reads this :/

Anyways, I better go.

See you readers later in the next chapter!


Sparks of Romance *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now