Chapter 2

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This is what Cherry looks like in the book. It's not me, by the way.


The moment my mother and I arrived home, I was greeted by my cat.

"Hey Mouse." I coo as she meows.

Mouse is a white cat, with a black face, black ears, black paws up to halfway up his legs, and a black tail. The rest of him is white. Blue eyes, and really fluffy.

"Mew!" She meows back at me.

Mouse follows me into the lounge room. As I sit down on the couch, she jumps up and sits on my lap. She purrs as I pat her.

Soon, she sits in a heap on my lap. I tuck my legs underneath me and turn the television on.

I put in a movie to watch; The Maze Runner (I know it's not out yet but whatever)

It was a great movie.

"Here honey." My mother says handing me the hot chocolate as she enters the room.

"Aww, Mouse are we comfy?"

Mouse manages a small mew, then let's out a shaky purr and falls fast asleep.

"I'll go get you some water. Call out of you need anything else."

She leaves me alone.

Then, I get a text from Abigail: Hey :) how are you feeling?

I pause the movie and quickly reply: Better, but now I'm feeling tired. Mouse is sleeping on me :/

We talk for a while until she says that she got caught texting. So we said our goodbyes, then I pressed play for the movie.


"Lunch is ready of you want some." My mother says.

"No thanks. I think I'm just going to do some art to pass the time."


We stay silent for a while, just looking around the room.

Finally, I spoke up.

"It's different without dad around, isn't it?"

"Yeah." She says, just above a whisper. "And to think that he loved me..."

Tears formed in her eyes as she left. I got up and walked upstairs into my bedroom.

My art supplies were still out from last night. A self portrait in pencil and colours of me sits there. The blue eyes stood out the most.

New inspiration comes to me.

Carefully, I place the portrait in my art folder, take a fresh piece of paper, and start drawing.


Sitting back, I glance at my Art work.

It was a woman sitting cross legged next to a tree crying, with a man walking away, his face shadowed. They were in a forest, with the sun setting behind them.

My mother and my father.l

I'm an only child, so loosing me would result in my mother having her heart broken.

My father and I were never close. He only left us two months ago.

Kissed another woman in front of my mothers eyes.

-Flash Back-

"Cherry, your father-" she stopped mid sentence.

I came down the stairs to greet my father. A drawing of him in my hands.

When I came into the living room, he was holding another woman around the waist and smirking.

"Hello, wife." He says.

"Who's she?" I asked firmly.

"Shut up, bitch." I was taken back.

"Excuse me?"

"Laura, this is Stephanie. Stephanie, this is my ex-wife Laura."

My mother and I gasped.

"Hello Laura." Stephanie spoke. She put on a fake smile.

"This is my lovely girlfriend, unlike you, Laura. This is my new wife, unlike you, Laura." He faces me.

"Your not my daughter, Cherry."

I stayed silent, and looked down at the picture in my hands.

"What's that?" Stephanie asks, snatching it out of my hand.

"Hey!" I tried reaching for it but she held it in the air and stepped back.

"Uh uh uh!" She waved her grotty finger at me.

A smirk grew across her face. I could sense that my mother was angry and upset.

"Give. It. Back."

"Ask politely!"

I groan and breathe in a large amount of oxygen.

"Can you please give it back?"

She examines the drawing. "Hmm, no."

Then in one swift movement, she rips the the paper in half.

And again.

And again.

My eyes grow wide and fill with tears as I watch Stephanie flutter the pieces of paper onto the floor.

"Aww, little baby gonna cry?"

My mother stepped forward and slapped the smirk off her face.

"Get the fuck out and never show your ugly face near here again! Same with you Brian."

Stephanie was about to hit her again, but I stuck my foot out so she tripped.

"Come on Stephanie, let's get out of these losers house."

He picked her up and lead her away from us.

A sob escaped my lips.

"Shh, shh! It's ok, we are going to be fine. We don't need him."

I wrapped my arms around her and cried with her.

"Come on, let's go get some ice-cream."

-Flash Back Over-

Tears fell onto my artwork, but I didn't care.

The colours started to run, so I let the tears keep coming.






Sparks of Romance *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now