Chapter 3

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Slowly, I walk into school. Late.

I didn't make eye contact with anyone until I stepped inside the classroom.

When I did, I was greeted by Sam and Abigail.

"Hey Cherry! How do you feel today?" Abigail asks.

"Were you sick?" Sam looked confused, but I told her what happened.

"Oh, ok then. Well, do you feel better?"

"Yeah, thanks for asking."

Abigail looked at her watch. "I need to go do some stuff, I'll catch up with you guys later ok? I will also be missing this Art lesson, Cherry."

"Ok." Sam and I say in sync.

Abigail rushes out of the classroom, continuing to look at her watch.

"Wonder what that's all about." I asked.

"You know Abigail, she'll do this every now and then. It's normal for her."

"I guess. Hey, did I show you my self portrait that I drew the other night?"

"No, but can I?"

Taking my back off my back, I slide out my folder.

"Where is it..."

Then I find it. "Aha! Here it is!"

Sam gently takes the portrait out and examines it. "Wow, it's beautiful!"


Then, our teacher walked in.

"Hello girls." He says walking past. "Who drew this?"

"I did, Mr Newton."

"You know, there's an Art competition on the eighteenth of July, you should enter."

I smiled. "Already entered."

He returns a gentle smile. "Well then, you will have to tell me all about it."

Then he walks over to his desk and shuffles some papers before sitting down.

"Teachers pet." Someone snickered at me.

I face the person who said I was a teachers pet.


He flipped me off and his friends laughed at me.

"Come on, we don't hang around losers."

Then Lucas pushes past us, followed by his friends and walked out.

"Idiots." I mumble.

"I better go to English now. Mrs Beats wouldn't be happy if I was late. See you at lunch." Sam waves as she walks out.


For some reason, I just felt like hiding myself today. So I walk and sit at the back of the classroom.

The bell rang and everyone pilled into the room, not leaving a spare seat.

"Um, excuse me, but that's my spot." A girl turned around and said to me.

"Sorry, but at least you have a spot."

She rolls her eyes at me.

What's up with everyone and being rude to me today?

"Ok class! Today, we will be drawing biomes! Example," Me Newton takes a chalk and draws on the chalk board, "you could draw the forests, deserts, grasslands, the tundra or a snowy place, and Aquatic; meaning underwater for those who don't know."

"If you would like, you can work in pairs or groups. You don't have to if you don't want to. When your ready, grab a sheet of A-Four paper and start drawing."

Pushing the chair away from the desk, I walk up and take a sheet of paper.

"Know what your drawing?" He asks me before I walk back to my seat.

"The snow."

Returning to my seat, I take out my colours and start sketching the background.

Trees covered in snow, a frozen lake, and a pack of wolves.

Then, I sketch a girl, hugging herself tightly to stay warm as she stumbles through a blizzard.

Once finished, I trace it all with a fine black pen. Slowly, I colour it is, making it look bright, but pale at the same time. Soon, I covered the paper in colours, and start shading the areas where they need to be shaded.


"Ok class! Hand on your drawings. If you haven't finished, you can finish them at home or in the next lesson."

The bell rang, signalling us to go to second period.

"Have a good day students!" He says as I pass the teacher my artwork.

"Not going to finish it at home?"

"I'm helping my mom with something all afternoon and we are going out for dinner so I won't be able to work on it."

"You are a very delightful student, Cherry." Other people were giving me death glares.

"If I am, so are the other students. They work just as hard as I do to make their Art amazing." That softened most of the looks.

"Yes, your right."

"Have a good one Mr Newton!" Then I rush out of the classroom.


"Mom I'm home!" My voice rang around the room.


"Mouse! Hey buddy."

I topped up her biscuit bowl and walked around the house.

"Mom!" No reply.

There was a note on the bench:

Hey Cherry,
Don't be alarmed that I'm not home, I'm just out for a while doing something with my friends.
I know, I should've told you, but I didn't want to disturb you in school. I will be back home in time for dinner, but it will be late. There's $10 if you want to get something from the shops.

Love, mother.

"I guess I'm alone for a while."

My phone dinged.

Abigail: Me and Sam r at Max Brenner, wanna join us?

Cherry: Be there in 15

"See you later Mouse!"


I will introduce Jed in chapter 5 or at the end of the next chapter.

Mouse is like one of my cats that died, except my cat was named Scooter.

My crush's name is disguised as Jed so you don't know his real name.

Anyway, hope you liked this chapter, and see you people later.



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