Meeting Ahsoka

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Your caramel boots scrape across the scuffed sidewalk of Coruscant, you head hung low.  A black cap shadows your head, and your nimble fingers tug on the sides of the hood as a sour wind tries whipping it back to expose your face.

"Watch it!" A Twi'lek screeches at you as your shoulder rams into him.

"sorry..." You mumble.  You walk on, increasing your pace steadily.  Your breathing grows heavy as you feel your heart beat in your ears.

Have to get out of here!

You whisper in your head, swerving through crowds of people, trying in vain to keep the wind from showing your face to the audience of millions.

You tirelessly run into people, whispering a "sorry" or two here and there, trying to avoid contact.  You walk turns into a jog, which quickly turns into a run.  You scramble through the crowded streets, pulling your hood over your eyes to conceal your identity.  

Your boots catch in the edge of your long, black cape and your knees smack the cold concrete.  You let out a small gasp, your eyes temporarily blinded by pain.  You suck air in through your mouth and close your eyes.  Concentrating on your pain for a split second, the balance all around you fell to your place of agony and healed it.  The Force.

You jump to your feet and whip your head around, eyes scanning every inch of the surface.  You had already wasted enough time.

"There she is!" a rough voice shouted from beyond the groups of people going about their day.  "stop thief!"

"gah!" You yelp, heat racing to your cheeks.  Fear was like a demon, its icy hands gripping at your chest.  You shrugged off your terror, and burst through colonies of people, your long legs carrying you far away.  

"Get her!" The voice was getting closer, the harsh sound of pounding feet echoed throughout the surface of Coruscant, catching up to you.

"I really didn't wanna have to do this..." You whisper to yourself.  Your hand reaches into your cloak and grips a cold, metal shaft.  Your lightsaber.  You whip out your weapon and ignite it with a hiss, the metal warming slightly in your hand a sword of light spears in your hand.

You snarl, and turn to face the three men running toward you.  They were big.  Really big.  The shortest one was 12 feet tall.  A battle cry reaches your lips as you barrel toward them, your blue saber spinning in your hand.  

You leap into the air, The Force as your springboard, and flip in the air.  You turn to land on the shoulders of the tallest man.  He shouts in anger, and struggles to get you off him.  You fight to retain your balance, but with enough concentration, your saber slices through his throat, the blinding heat of the sword cutting through his flesh as easily as a knife slicing through air.  A whiff of burnt skin flies by your nose and you maintain the urge to gag.  

You front-tuck on the the shoulders of the second man, his eyes distraught at the fall of his fellow man.  You use his distraction as an opportunity to cut an "X" with your lightsaber on his skull, cutting it into four, clean pieces.  You grin.

Caught off guard, the last man seized you in his large hands, his fingers wrapping around your torso and pinning your arms to your sides.  You saber retracted and dropped out of your grip and onto the sidewalk below with a sharp click.

"Oh no." You grumble.  

The man held you in the air, your legs twisting and struggling. 

"Let go of me!" You shout, knowing full-well he would not comply.

"Give us our idol!" The man shouted back.

You let out an exasperated yelp of pain when the man tightened his grip on your body, your black hood sliding back to reveal your face.

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