The Rooftop (Pt.1)

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You stood in the arena, confused.  What could Master Plo be talking about? 

You shook your head.  You drew your lightsaber and was about to walk back over to get another ball when the doors hissed open.  You assumed it was Master Plo, but when you turned around, you were met with a pleasant surprise.

"Ahsoka!" You exclaimed, running to hug her.  "Hey, Y/N!"  She replied, wrapping you in a tight embrace.

Over the past couple weeks, you two had become very close.  You ate together, you trained together, and you bonded over what missions you had been on recently.

"I thought you wouldn't get back until tomorrow!" You said, retracting from the hug.  

"Well you know Skyguy.  Always makes quick work of those slavers."  Ahsoka practically spat out the last word.

"Wanna tell me about it?" You asked, eyes wide.  You always loved hearing about the Togruta's adventures.

Ahsoka smirked.  "always.  But first, I have a spot where we can go."

You hesitated, looking around the arena.  "Don't worry!  It's time you took a break anyway."


"Do you trust me?"  

You gazed into Ahsoka's fierce blue eyes.  They were so beautiful...

"alright fine!" You giggled.

"Then let's get moving." Ahsoka's hand slid into yours and pulled you out of the training area. 

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