The Infirmary

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With your eyes still tightly shut from the deep sleep you had just taken, the first thing you hear are voices.  

"Padawan! A grave mistake, you have made." Only one person talks like that: Master Yoda.  You relax a bit, knowing it was another Jedi, but also because they couldn't possibly be scolding you.

"you could have cost us a vital win in the Clone Wars!" the always recognizable harshness of Master Windu.  "Thank goodness Master Kenobi was there to take your place and correct your mistake." You can't help but wince.

"Be gentle on our young Jedi.  She is but a learner." the gentle crackle of Master Plo's mechanical voice.  

You sigh in relief.  With your master, Master Plo, you were safe.  You assumed you were back at the Jedi temple, but confused as to how you got there.  The last thing you remember was being kidnapped by some bounty hunter who stole your lightsaber.  You struggle to open your eyes, and squint at the bright light above you.  

You were in the infirmary, lying on a simple white cot with a thin sheet covering your body.  There was a medical droid floating beside you, disconnecting wires that had previously been attached to your chest and arms.  You winced and brought a hand to your temple.  Your head throbbed in pain and you felt sore all over. As you looked around, you noticed the silhouettes of the Jedi council outside of the glazed door of the infirmary.  You were about to swing your legs over the side of your got and go out to speak with them when the sheet covering you slipped down to your stomach.  

You gasp and scramble to cover your chest with the sheet once more.  You hadn't realized you were naked.  

"God!" You whisper to yourself, color flushing your cheeks.

With a swish, the infirmary door slid open, and you yelped in surprise. The sheet was lost from your grip and dropped back to your stomach, exposing your bare chest.  

"gah!" You shouted, wriggling back under the covers.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" A familiar female voice sounded.  " I...should have knocked."

"what a minute..." You said, peering over the sheet.  I've heard that voice before...  Before you stood a young togruta female, her skin a vibrant orange with intricate white markings on her face.  Icy blue eyes pierced into yours, and blue and white horns draped down her slender shoulders.  She had on a red fighting outfit, with a cross belt holding two lightsabers coving grey leggings.  The tight fit showed off her curved figure, and she held her hands on her hips.  She was stunning.

"You--" You stuttered, eyes widening, "You're the bounty hunter!"  Your feet go numb and wrapping the sheet around your exposed body, you leap from the bed and onto your feet.  "get away from me!" You shout.

The togruta  holds her hands in front of her, trying to calm you down.  "no!" she says, "I'm no bounty hunter!  I'm a Jedi padawan, just like you.  I-I was supposed to be hunting down a criminal, but I mistook them for you."

Your eyes narrow.  She continues on "I accidentally kidnapped you and brought you to the Jedi temple." She blushes and her blue eyes dart to the floor. "When I got here, thinking I'd captured the culprit, I was sadly mistaken.  I had just captured another Jedi who was on her own mission." She looked up at you, embarrassed.  "I-I'm so sorry."  She said with defeat.

You stand, your bare feet growing colder on the floor of the infirmary, the thin sheet wrapped around your body.  You feel numb, and then all of a sudden...

A laugh.

A rich, deep laugh echoes around the room.  the togruta padawan laughs so hard she clutches her stomach and bends over.  She couldn't seem to stop.

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