I should of confessed first

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{past second year middle school}
You were like always hanging out with Bakugo. He was acting more shy around you this week than usual. So was Midoriya. You were laying on the couch watching tv with Bakugo when you got a text from Midoriya.
Deku:hey !! Umm (Y/n) can we hang out after school tomorrow
You:sure thing can Kachan come too
Deku: well Kachan dosen't really like me a lot (Y/n)
You: ok than it can be just us tomorrow see ya
"Who are you texting," he asked watching the AllMight movie .
"Hmm? Oh nothing just Deku . Why," you asked.
He teased up. You got confused. Blush lightly creep on to his face.
"I don't see why your friends with that quirk less loser!*%%*#^}^{^]*]*#^#^#+>£~€," he mumbled.
You leaned in really close. If he bucked just a little the two of you would kiss.
"What did you say I can't make out mumbling," you yelled in his face.
"Grrr! I said I wish you would spend all your time with me and not stupid Deku! I mean he's a loser and I'm going to be the number one hero and make millions," he shouted flicking you in the forehead.
"Jerky! Sides the two of you are my closest friends! And make it the number two imma be number one just you wait! Then all the boys will fall at my feet," you cheered.
You were pretty flat back than the pow right before the entrance exams you got curvy .
"Tch as if! Sides think ya will need a actual butt and boobs to get guys to fall for you stick," he teased.
"Oh yeah say the worm with no muscle," you said .
You then tackled him to the couch and started tickling him. He did the same thing flipping you off the couch landing on top of you. He had you pinned down to the ground tickling you. You tried to do it back , but failed. The two of you finally stopped and eyes met. His ruby red eyes were so cute. Blush covered your face and his when he two of you noticed how you were.
Then he started to lean in . You thought he was going to kiss you . He almost did , but stopped. His blonde hair covered his face. It was extremely red like yours. You both sat up. Not daring to look at each other. You finally got the courage to ask.
"Umm...were we about to ki-," he interrupted you.
"So anyways you just wanna be like midnight probably... but your too flat to do it ," he teased.
"Oh yeah you wanna be just like AllMight but are to skinny to be," you poked back.
The next day it was Midoriya and you. The two of you talked about hero's and comics. Then in front of a AllMight merc store he stopped walking. He had his hands fiddling with each other. Blush all over his face. When you got a text from Bakugo.
Kachan~🧡💥: hey idiot can we hang tomorrow I need to tell you something important
You: sure thing what is it? :/
Kachan~🧡💥: I wanna tell you in person!
"Hey! (Y/n)-Chan! Ummm I like you a lot! Will you be my girlfriend," he asked covered in blush.
He was giving you the biggest puppy dog eyes ever. How could you say no to those.(easily coughcoughillgo) You didn't want it hurt him. You always felt bad for him specially since he was quirkless. He was always picked on because of that. You were really his only friend too. His expression change when you just stood there.
"Y-ya now just forget it! I-it was stupid to thi-," you interrupted him.
"Yes I accept your confession! So boyfriend and girlfriend now Hu," you accepted.
He gave you the biggest grin. Then he hugged you tightly. Tre two of you held hands walking hone. He walked you home.
"Bye puppy! See you at school tomorrow," he said as you waved.
You walked in with your sober mom sitting on the couch. She waved at you.
"Hey honey how was hanging out with little Izuku," (M/n) asked.
"Well... he confessed his feelings for me... and I accepted them," you confessed.
"I thought you like little Katsuki? Why did you accept his feelings," she asked.
"I didn't wanna hurt his feelings ether though mom. Sides Kachan probably doesn't even like me like that. I'm sure he only thinks of me as his sister or bestfriend," you said going to your bedroom.
You flopped down on your bed. FaceTiming Bakugo. He answered with a black skull on it. He had a smirk on his face .
"Hey loser what's going on," he asked .
"What are you doing," you asked.
"Adding something's to my hero costume design why," he asked amused.
"Well I got some news," you said in a cringy tone.
"Oh what is it," he asked putting his book down.
"Deku confessed his feelings towards me and now ...we're dating," you said with a big fake smile.
"You don't really wanna do that do you," he asked his voice cracking.
"I mean not really, but I'm sure I'll grow to like him like that ! I also didn't wanna hurt his feelings," you said.
"I'll hurt #*%*% <€<£>~£¥~^#," he mumbled.
"What! You know how I feel about mumbling kachan," you yelled.
"Nothing goober," he barked.
The two of you hung out on the phone for two hours. You went to sleep last night regretting you decision. You thought it probably won't even last long anyway. Bakugo fell "asleep" on the phone.
"God... why didn't Katsuki kiss me yesterday ... it would made this a lot easier," you said going to sleep.
Bakugo started bullying Midoriya worse after that. Which was harder on you. One hand was the guy you liked and your bestfriend the other hand was your boyfriend. Until high school. You and Midoriya got more distance . So you started to hang out with Bakugo more again. Bakugo still bullied Midoriya, but he didn't take it anymore. You never found out what Bakugo was going to tell you the next day. It was just never brought up again.

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