Girlfriend? No~!

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            You lived with both of your parents kinda. Your dad was always over seas on work, and your mom and you didn't get along most of the time. She was really the only one you had though. You connected with Bakugo cause you never got along with your mom . You connected with Midoriya cause you only had your mom and both of your dads were always at work.
         You were at the class room door waiting to leave . Uraraka didn't like you much cause you dated the guy she obviously liked. Ashido was your bestfriend though.
      "Sooo~your still with Midoriya (Y/n)," she asked giggling.
     "Yeah~ why wouldn't I Mina! I think I'm eating with him and his mom after school.. if he isn't training again," you said.
    "You would be sooo much cuter with Bakugo~ the two of you fit! Midoriya and you  are cute... but like siblings," Ashido complained.
     Uraraka was making Midoriya blush . It was slightly annoying but you always liked seeing him smile . You were daydreaming of him being happy when a certain blonde grabbed your hand.
     "Oi~(Y/n) snap out of your damn perverted day dream," he snickered .
     "Oh yeah like the one you have every time mount lady comes on screen~ or allmight," you teased.
      "You little! Just wait until we hang out later," he growled.
     You started to walk away then you started to run. He went after you. Bakugo caught up really fast. You turned and real fast tripped. You started to fall down the stairs. He immediately rapped his arms around you bracing you for impact. The two of you landed. Bakugo's head slammed down to the ground.
      "Shit are you ok! Kachan," you asked worried.
     "Gah~ yeah.. damn it you need to be more careful (Y/n). Damn my back hurts," he groaned in pain.
     You got up and helped him up. He leaned on you as you held his arm.
     "What are you doing," he asked.
    "I'm taking you to recovery girl," you said.
    "I thought you had plans with the shitty nerd," he taunted.
     "That shitty nerd is my boyfriend Katsuki," you sniped.
    He Tch! The two of you arrived at recovery girls office. You waited for his injuries to get healed. You were sitting down next to his bed . Then your phone buzzed.
Hi! Are you still coming? To dinner
Sorry Kachan got hurt so I took him to recovery girl... maybe if there still time after
         "Who was that," he groaned.
        "You be big baby~! You know cause of you I'm missing my date with Izuku," you teased.
      He balled up his fist and did the crying motion. You flicked his nose .
     "Welp you're all set little Bakugo! So you and your little girlfriend can go now," recovery girl chirped.
     Blush covered both of your faces.
    "Ummm I have a boyfriend, but it's not Katsuki! It's Izuku," you stuttered.
     On the walk home your stomach growled. He stopped and picked you up . Then threw you over his shoulder.
     "What are you doing bra-," you chuckled.
    "Taking you out to get something to eat idiot we're both hungry," he said carrying you.
      At the restaurant you both ordered a chess burger and fries. Bakugo stole like half of your fries though.
     "Is that all for the cute couple," the waitress asked.
    "Oh umm we're just friends," you reassured.
    Like five minutes later Bakugo gave you a weird look. 
    "What ," you asked.
    "You realize like ten guys won't stop starting at you right," he barked .
    "Who cares! Sides they probably think I'm your girlfriend~ha! Can't believe that's the third person today to think that! Crazy right," you laughed.
     "Yeah... I mean I guess it's kinda crazy... Wait who else asked," he asked.
    "Well Mina was talking about how we would be cuter together than Izuku and I," you responded.
     "Oh yeah~," he said standing up.
     He walked you to your front door. He starched the back of his head saying good bye. His eyes looked so dreamy sometimes. You opens the front door to see your mom drunk.  She was passed out on the couch.
      You went to your room and face timed Izuku. He was in his AllMight shirt sitting at his desk.
     "Hey! Where were you I tried calling and mom got worried about you," he said cheerfully.
     "Oh well I was with Kachan so no worries. After he got done with recovery girl he took me out to eat dinner," you chirped.
     "So you didn't think I didn't need to know you went out with my childhood bully? That you blew me off for (Y/n)," he said in a slightly bitter tone.
      Midoriya has been jealous over you lately. Especially around Bakugo. You would often wonder if something happened, but you blew it off.
      "Well I don't let him down to you when I'm around, and sides he was my childhood bestfriend! We've always been inseparable," you said. 
      He sighed and pinched in between his eyes.
     "Yeah I know... sorry for getting so jealous your just so pretty.. I guess I get tiered of seeing other guys look at you," he apologized.
     "It's fine. You know Kachan said something similar to that when we were eating! I don't see how you two see it. Sides girls look at you all the time too like Uraraka," you suggested acting jealous.
      You puffed your lip and pretended to pout as your mom work up. She came banging on your door , so you muted yourself.
     "Where were you! (Y/n) (L/n)! I was worried sick about you! Lord knows where you were or who you were with," she accused.
     "Jesus mom I was just hanging out with Katsuki," you said.
     "Oh yeah poor Izuku! Getting cheated on by you and the troubling teenage boy! You should be ashamed having sex with him! Izuku probably hasn't even seen anything yet Hu? You teasing slut! Ashamed," she yelled.
      "How dose hanging out say I slept with my bestfriend! God I need to get outta here see ya hag," you growled.
      You walked up to the computer and hung up on Midoriya. Then you walked out of your house calling Bakugo. You walked out the park you used to play at when you were little. You started to cry a little. You felt awful for liking Bakugo, but everything he did was hot and made you want to be with him. Midoriya deserves better.
      "God why am I such a awful person," you told yourself.
     "Shut up your no where near a awful person," Bakugo said as he plopped down next to you.
      "Jesus where did you come from! Crist," you shouted.
     He rapped his arm around you. The two f you looked at the stars as you rested your head on his shoulder.
     "What did your mom say this time," he asked.
     "Throwing off on me as soon as she woke up ! I had to mute myself on the phone with Izuku and everything... I can't stand her sometimes specially when she gets drunk," you complained.
      "Oh yeah how was talking with that......with Deku," he asked gritting through his teeth.
       "We didn't talk long cause of mom , but he was getting jealous again," you sighed.
      "My mom was saying how I probably fooled around with you and then threw off on me cause I haven't done anything but slightly make out with Izuku... I wouldn't even call what we do making out ... his jealously is getting bad," you said.
       "I get jealous over you how is it any different," he said.
     "It's different , because you don't like me and he's my boyfriend..... I can't deal with him sometimes though , but I could never hurt him," you said in a sad tone.
      ".......shit have you ever had a thing for me? Like thought I was cute," he asked out of no where.
      Blush covered your face and you quickly covered your face. Bakugo started to chuckle. His chuckles were so sexy cause of his deep voice.
       "Ummmm.....kinda before Izuku and I started dating I thought you were~w-why," you stuttered.
      "The jealously me and that shitty nerd feel is not different what's so ever," he said holding you tighter.
      "Katsuki ~ do you have of thing fo," he interrupted you.
     "Well wanna come over to my place the old hag actually likes you? Unlike my ass," he asked hoping off the bench.
    "Uhh~ yeah mom should be more sober tomorrow morning I just need to wake up earlier and run to my house fast before she wakes up," you agreed. 
      That night you slept in Bakugo's guess bedroom. The two of you poke fun at each other until it got late. You wore one of his shirts and boxers. That night you couldn't stop thinking of what Bakugo told you . You got a text from your boyfriend.
Hi r u ok puppy?
Fine I talked to Kachan at the park about it
What?why didn't you tell me to go to the park with you
Geez Izuku sorry! He understands how having a ruff mom is like...
Do you need a place to stay tonight?
I'm at Kachan's place
Your kidding right
No why?

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