Please talk to me~

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              It has been three weeks since you woke up in the car with Bakugo. You were scared to ask your mom for a morning after pill. Which you were right to because she beat the crap out of you the same night after she got back from the bars. You didn't know how to talk to him though.
        The two of you had sex. It was both of your first times. You were both drunk. You feel like you keep fucking up your relationship with him. Your mom got worse on you. When she would drink she started actually beating you.
       You went to school looking like you had hickies, from trying to cover up the bruises your mom gave you. Which only spread rumors. Everyone started labeling you as a slut.
       Girls talked shit about you . Uraraka egged them on good. The guys with girlfriends avoided you. The ones without them creeped you out. At least you still had Ashido. Which you were glad for. She would eat lunch with you .
      "You don't care about what they think of you eating with me," you asked tat lunch.
     "Hell no! Girl your my bestfriend that jaut hasn't talked to the guy she liked about what happened yet. That's all... oh umm~ by the way the guys are eating with us today," she said.
      Then you saw him sit down next to you. Kirishima sat down next to Ashido. The two almost immediately started to make out. A sweat dropped from both of your heads. You felt it nervous to eat your lunch. Your stomach hurt too from the beating your mom gave you the night before.
      "Are you going to eat your damn food or am I going to have to feed it to you," he asked like nothing has happened.
       It made you feel better. His gaze made you feel better. His warmth being around you made you feel better. His smirk made you feel better. You couldn't eat though. Your throat and stomach hurt to much to.  
     "I'll drink a smoothie when I get home... not really hungry right now," you tried to say with your fake smile.
     He knew that fake smile like it was his own. His expression changed. He frowned his eyebrows.
    "Oh is the guy doing you being to rough," he asked aggravated .
     Your eyes widen. Tears filled them quickly. You jumped up and ran out of the lunch room in to some old hall way. You begin to cry your eyes out. Then out of no where someone rapped your shoulder. It was the one person you didn't want to see.
     "Oh~ hey (Y/n)-Chan? Are you ok," he asked .
    "What dose it matter to you," you cried.
    "We were friends before we dated so~I thought I would check on you," he asked almost sincerely.
     "I would usually tell Kachan this... but we haven't been talking much lately.... my mom have been beating me ever since I did something... now everyone thinks I'm a slut cause I try to cover up the bruises. I feel so alone right now," you cried not knowing a certain blonde chased after you.
     "The hell is this? Deku~are you back with that slut! I mean look at her she has hickies all over her body," Uraraka yelled.
     "Wh-Wha-what! No she seemed up set so I was checking on her! Just trying to be nice Ochaco," he squealed blush covering his face.
      "Yeah it was nothing like that Ura-," she cut you off.
    "Don't talk to me slut! Geez your unbelievable you cheat on him then you cry to get him back! How pathetic," Uraraka spat.
     You kept your head down. If you said anymore lord knows what she would do. Everyone already hated you anyways. It's not like you wanted to talk to your ex about your abusive mother .
     "Come on Deku ! We'll just tell everyone you were taken advantage of," she pouted to him.
      You slid down the wall. You kept your head in your knees. That muffled the crying sound. After the lunch bell went off you went back to class. Everyone eyed you more harshly than before.
      You got to your desk to see insults written on it. Uraraka giggling with the other girls in class. Ashido walked and with wet wipes to help you remove it. It didn't work very well though. You kept your smile though.
       Then it came time to walk home. You had to stay after to explain to Mr.Aziawa why Uraraka went up to him spilling lies. You told him your were complaining about stress to him tray was it. Then you had to clean your desk.
        Since no one was there you dropped your smile. Walking out of the building you kept your head to the ground. You stomach growled. It was to hard for you to eat today.
        Then out of nowhere he tapped your shoulder. You looked up to see Bakugo. He had a small smile on his face. One that looked comforting to you. You gave him your fake one.
      "Don't give me that shit. Here eat this. It's curry so it should be easier to eat...," he said in a calming voice.
     "What! Nono I'm fine thank though! I'll just make something when I get home," you smiled.
      You tried walking past him. To only have your hand grabbed. Then faced to him.
     "Please talk to me...(Y/n)," he asked worried.
     He dragged you to your park. The You come to when Your feeling down or need to get away from mom. The one you both played at when you all were younger. He held you as you painfully ate the curry.
      "Please tell me what going on.... we haven't talked since that night, and I'm tiered of waiting for you to talk first," he confessed.
      "Nothing is wrong....everything is fine! At least I'm fine... what about you," you asked holding back the tears.
     He knew you to well for this to work. His eyes softened looking at you .
    "I'm sorry... for what we did... I should of just brought you home... like I said i was... I knew it was going to be a mistake... I didn't know it would ruin our relationship though... I didn't know you would stop talking to me if we had sex," he said with his voice cracking. 
     "No!its not that ... things ... I don't know.. have been bad for me since than.. my mom.... no nothing I'm sorry! Can we go back to way we were? I miss having you by my side constantly," you cried in his arms.
     "What is your mom doing to you? Is that where all your marks are coming from? Is she beating you," he asked concerned.
      "I-I-I can't say Katsuki," you stuttered.
    "Tell me (Y/n)! I love you and I don't want anything or anyone hurting you... just tell me," he demanded.
     "Yes! The day after when she took me to get the pill she got drunk that night and started beating me. It was bad! That's why I didn't go to school for three days.! Now it is whenever she is drunk she dose it! I feel like I have no one to tell this too... because of the rumors going around form me trying to cover them up! I feel like you look at me differently now cause of them! And it was me that did most of the work when we had sex! I should of knew better than to do that," you cried into his arms.
      "Nothing is ever going to hurt you again ok.. I swear to you.. your not going back to that house! I'll tell the old hag and you'll stay with us! I love you and would do anything for you," he promised.
      "You really do love me? What are you confessing Katsuki," you said still tearing up.
     He got off the bench. Then got down on one knee and grabbed your hands. Blush filled his face.
   "Y-yeah! (Y/n) (L/n)! I have loved you ever since middle school. I was going to confess to you the day after the damn nerd did, but I guess now is better than ever... I love you . I love your hair. I love your dorky personality. How kinda and sweet you are. How you can be a royal bitch if you want. I love your body no matter how many times you say you hate it. I love your beautiful (E/c) eyes. How they sparkle when I look at you. I just love you so much. Will do me the favor and be my fucking girlfriend already princess," he confessed face as red as his eyes.
       You jumped into his arms knocking him on to the ground. The two of you started to kiss. Once you two broke for air you looked into his seductive red eyes.
      "Yes I'll be your girlfriend Katsuki Bakugo," you said being pulled into another kiss.
      This kiss lead to other thing which ended in his bedroom. As the two of you were completely out of breath and tiered as hell he pulled the blanket over you. You snuggled into him. He held you tight like he was going to lose you.
     "Should we really sleep naked Katsuki," you yawned.
    "I don't see why not? You look pretty sexy in what your wearing sides ... this is partially your house now too," he said kissing your forehead.
     "Yeah I guess your right. I love you," you said closing your eyes.
     "I love you (Y/n) Bakugo good night," he said.
    "(Y/n) Bakugo," you asked I n a teasing tone.
    "Yeah has a nice ring to it," he smiled.
    You giggled at this kissing him one last time before closing your eyes again.
    "Let's get out of high school first Mr.Bakugo ," you chuckled falling asleep.

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