Drink drink drink dirink!

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          You were nervous getting ready to go to the party. Midoriya have barely talked to you . Bakugo got busy with training and school. Things have also been really wired between the two of you. You missed him like crazy though. You missed Midoriya too.. not like Bakugo though it felt like a part of you was missing.
          You drove to the party. At least you had Ashido waiting for you there. Everyone else loved you the only one who really didn't like you was Uraraka. No one but you understood why. You finally drove up to the party. It was pretty busy. The whole grade was there even some third years. You go out of the car and immediately got eyed down by some guys.
       Trying to ignore it you walked in and Kaminari jumped his couch and handed you a red cup. You took gratefully not wanting to think about your life right now. You finally found Ashido. She was tipsy like you were becoming. You got separated from her eventually. When you realize you started to wonder. So you went looking for her.
        You ended up in the kitchen . You seen Jell-O shots sitting on the counter. So you went to take four. Shinso came in looking buzzed. He gave you one of his sleigh smiles.
       "So are you still with Midoriya," he asked lazily.
      That question stung. Did you care about Midoriya a shit tone ? Yes. Do you want to hurt him by breaking up with him? No! Do you want to be with him in a relationship? No.... Do you find him attractive? Not like others...
        "..yeah~? Why have you seen him," you asked tipsy.
    "Damn your already drunk? That is hilarious~ I mean I'm pretty high , but not drunk," he laughed.
     Then you heard shouting from the living room. You walked in there curious. To see Bakugo screaming at Kirishima and Kaminari. He then busted out laughing. Bakugo then fell backwards off the back of the couch. He looked so cute. You walked over to him offering your hand.
      "O-oh~ hey~ (Y-Y/n)! Ahahaha Ha how long have you been here," he snickered.
     "God~!your already drunk as hell! How ," you laughed.
    The two of you stumbled into the kitchen. Even though you were drunk it felt good to finally be with your best friend. He took a bottle of fire ball. Then poured it into two big red cups. Then handed it to you with a big shit face smirk.
     "Jesus drinks much ," you laughed.
   "What~drunk? No~ your just scared," he laughed.
    "Oh yeah," you said.
    "Yeah~too scared to drink with me~," he chuckled.
   You took both cups and downed them. Bakugo gave you a mine pouting face. It was harder to contain yourself around him more. He pushed you up against the wall. He put his face in the crook of your neck.
     "I-I-I~#+%%€<##%¥£#<>~right now~where the fuck is your shitty boyfriend," he mumbled.
    Blush covered your face. You started to feel heated. He smirked in your neck. You felt his tung lick your neck.  It sent shivers down your spin. All you smelt was alcohol. He went to go kiss you, but stopped. He leaned his head against your forehead.
    "+*^%#}{}#%<>>£€•¥¥£€##*#^*^+~," he mumbled.
  He then stumbled away. Leaving you completely clueless.
      I'm completely drunk. I can't fucking think straight. I wanna fuck (Y/n) so bad. I barely stopped myself. Where the fuck is the damn Deku. I finally find his ass being flirted with round cheeks. He's drunk too, so is she. He had a hicky on his neck. Round cheeks had a couple on her too. 
      "The fuck is this deku," I growled.
     He looked at half lidded. He stood up swaying.
   "Making out with~my girl~w-wha-what about you," he chuckled.
    "You mean it Deku! Yay~," she giggled.
     "You need to fucking tell her~she deserve better than this dick~," I growled.
      "Ooops! Ahahahaha! Shit is it the wrong girl~ the one that's been drifting away from me~," he laughed.
     I balled my fist up. He started to walk away telling (Y/n)'s name. Round cheeks looked at me like a bitch in heat.
     I went to go find her.  I heard screaming. Not like a fight more like annoying girl screaming. I walked closer to the commotion. My eyes sided in shock. He .... he was kissing her. Her cup was on the floor. Her hands were rapped in his hair. He was kissing her neck.
     "....mmm~k-ka~w-wait Wha," she moaned.
    "I love you so much puppy~ I'm sorry for being so busy," he slurred.
     I wanted to beat the ever... no I wanted to fucking kill him! Stringing her along like that! At least she had a reason not too leave him! He was fooling around with Round cheeks bitch! Now he's making out with her to act like nothing happened! Fucking Shitty hair seen me just stare in shock.
      "Hey man~! Let's go drink somewhere else," he cheered .
    We went outside. I saw eye bags smoking a blunt with Duce face on the deck.
     "Hey Dude~wanna puff," sparky asked me.
    "Did any of you guys see what fucking Deku... did," I growled.
    "No why? He's just making out with his girlfriend man," Shitty hair said.
     "Yeah wha-," eye bags interrupted Duce face.
    "Yeah I did. I asked her if they were still dating, pretty shitty of him to do that. Why is he making out with her now," eye bags said.
     I shook  my head yes. Sitting down taking a swig from my cup. Then smoking a blunt with Duce face, eye bags, and Shitty hair.
    "Oi!where the fuck is Sero," I asked.
    "Duuuuuude did you just call one of us by our name," shitty hair and Duce face asked about to laugh.
    "Any way I don't wanna ruin the moment so~ he's up stairs with a hottie from class 2-d," sparky said.
     Then we all heard Raccoon eyes yell seven minutes heaven. I rolled my eyes.
    "Bakugo go play and go in the closet with (Y/n)~ she dose deserve better than a cheater," eye bags said pushing me in side.

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