The Contract

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I sat on the windowsill my foot on the sill too tucked under me so I could hold my knee my other foot danging down towards the floor, the crisp chill of the autumn air across my skin as I sat only in my grey Nike sweatpants, my cigarette between my fingers the small trail of smoking rising up though the darkness being pushed inside by the breeze through the open window even if I was trying my best to make it smoke outside and ashing out my window. My arm had goosebumps but I didn't care, watching the orange and red leaves flutter across the busy London skyline. I brought it to my lips inhaling the horrible stuff I had gotten so used too over the years taking it away holding the smoke as long as I could before blowing it out my mouth and out the window, I rubbed my temple with my other hand as I heard the violent ringing off my phone I squeezed my eyes shut and tried ignoring it till it rang off so I sighed knowing I can't avoid it forever, grabbing my phone and putting out my cigarette.

I sat pondering a moment the right way to do this, I grabbed my phone and rang the number putting it to my ear listening to the haunting ringing noise till it answered, there was silence a moment Before he spoke up

"Hi Thomas"

"Hi Tom," I answered

"what's up?" he asks

"You do you think I'm calling you, the only reason why"

"Thomas... You can't be serious?"

"I wish I wasn't, I take it you've been hearing from her too?"

"I have, Look Thomas... we don't have to do this I mean what can she do to us if we don't?"

"I had the same thought, But I can't run from this, None of us can You know she'll find us all of us"

"What makes you so sure?"

"Because she already got Isaac"

"what?" he asked in shock

"she already got Isaac, I went to see him first to talk to him being the youngest and eldest and all he had the same idea over the phone but when I got there... she had gotten there first" I explained "You know what she'll do to us if we try to run,"

"Will it even work without him?"

"I don't know, Either way, I don't think we have a choice"

"Alright, I'll meet you on the bridge... You wanna call him or should I?"

"I'll do it, You have a longer drive then I do," I told him

"Alright see you later," he says before hanging up

I sighed ringing up the other number and waiting for it to dial it rang a little then called off he must have declined me, I tried again but the same thing happened, then again and again.

"Come on Asa don't be a dick" I sighed ringing again and this time he answered

"I know why your calling Thomas"

"I take it you were ignoring me"

"I was, I'll tell you what I told Isaac I'm not getting involved"

"You made a promise Asa! you think any of us what to get back involved in this? Asa we are all as fucked as each other... we need you, You can't skip out on us you'll end up like Isaac" I told him

"Fine... I'll meet you at the bridge but it turns sour I'm out of there" he warns

"If that's the best you'll do then fine" I sighed hanging up the phone and throwing it on my bed I sighed lighting up another cigarette going to put it to my mouth but I groaned and put it put getting up and going to get dressed.

I parked my car up in the car park grabbing my things and locking up standing on the pavement in the middle of the woods, the tree's hid this area away from the rest of the world. I zipped my aviator's jacket up putting my hands in my pockets as I headed off in the direction I know so well. heading deeper through the undergrowth the cracking of tigs and leaves under me until I reached the clearing the sound f the wind whistling through the autumn trees the sound of the river trickling along the brook and there sat the wooden bridge I could hearing creaking in the wind the one board right in the middle of the bridge broken disappeared long ago, on the posts either side sat candles lit wax from thousands of candles before it falling like a waterfall but sat perfectly unbroken and untouched. I could feel my heart beating out of my chest as I stood here again the fear overwhelming my body as I waited not wanting to get too close, till I heard the cracking of twigs behind me

"Hey Thomas," His voice said

"Hi Tom" I sighed turning to see him stood there in his jeans and t-shirt a thick jacket over the top to keep out the chill his brown hair looked as if he had been messing with it the colour drained from his skin "been a while"

"it has, even longer since we were both here," he says staying close to the tree's

"None of us wanted to be back here tom" I remind him

"Yeah well, You called me, remember" He sighed

"You see Asa on your way up?"

"No, you?"

"No, I pray to God he didn't skip out on us"

"he wouldn't Thomas, He's just shitting himself same as you and me," he says "Don't say that she'll get mad at you" he laughs

"I know" I sighed as I heard more crackling of leaves I saw asa coming over and looking nervous

"Hey Guys" he sighed

"Hey Asa" I sighed "You did show up then?"

"I did..." he sighed

"hello Boys..." Her haunting voice says I turned and saw y/n stood on the other side of the bridge in her red dress "have you missed me?"

"not perticaly" Asa sighed

"Not to mean it's not nice to see you y/n" Tom smiled

"what about you tommy?" she smiled to me

"You know how I feel about it" I told her

"Well I know why your here? your choice, We can go down to my house or you can stay here and pay the price?"

"Stay" Tom answered

"Stay Please" Asa said

"I'll stay too" I answered

"Fine, Done... You know the deal, You can all stay I'll take your years out of Isaac since he tired to do a runner But you've only got three extenders before your all coming to hell" she smiled making some notes "Unless one of you is gonna give me your first born son?"

"I'm not doing it" Tom warned

"I don't wanna give up a son!" asa whined

"Well I can" I sighed

"what why can't you?" Asa asks

"nothing in the rules of that contract that said I had to have kids, if I have kids she gets to drag me to hell so logically I.... kinda made it so I can't"

"Thomas that's cheating!" Asa complained

"it's not cheating, Im thirty and I don't want kids so I had it done she ain't getting a first born son outta me"

"Alright see you boys In another ten years" she smoled blowing us a kiss and disappearing...

Actor Imagines: Thomas Brodie Sangster Book 2Where stories live. Discover now