You all know the Curtis brothers. But what if there was a girl in the family. That's right. My name is Audrey Curtis. I am the second oldest Curtis sibling. When I was 10 years old I had to go live with my grandma because of my ability to shift into...
Audrey was in her room that she has in Sam's house. Soon her brother Darry called her and said that she was needed because they were hunting the red head. Audrey hair/outfit
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Audrey went outside and hunted for the red head. "Do we have to shift" Audrey asked Darry. "No w can't afford for Charlie to hunt us as well" Darry said. They nodded and hunter in their human form. While the pack hunted in their wolf form. As Audrey was hunting she saw Harry and stayed down low and smiled. He smiled back at her. "Harry you find something" Charlie asked. Harry shook his head no. Soon the red head had got Harry. Audrey gasped and tackled her. The red head dropped Harry in the process. Harry was having a heart attack. Charlie came and tried to save him. Audrey and Victoria were in a stand off. Victoria smirked and ran. Soon Audrey, the Curtis's, and the pack were right behind Audrey chasing Victoria. Audrey kept chasing Victoria until Victoria jumped into the water. Audrey huffed and sighed. She saw Bella jump into the water as well. She gasped and heard her brothers and her mates coming right behind her. "Audrey no" the boys yelled. She jumped into the water and went after Bella. The boys stood on the beach by the cliff and waited to see where Audrey was. Soon they saw a glow of blue pop up. The Curtis boys knew what it was. It was Audrey transforming. Audrey hit Victoria with her tail making her go into the ocean more. She saw Bella slowly going down so she used her dinosaur claw and grabbed Bella and swam to the surface but transforming into human form with her clothes on. Soon Audrey went to the surface letting out a breath and coughing. She carried Bella bridal style and walked to the shore. Audrey put Bella gently down and gave her CPR. Bella began to cough water up. "Jesus are you okay" Audrey asked. "Yeah I'm fine but I thought I saw a flash of blue and dinosaur with a fin" Bella said looking into the ocean. Audrey eyes widened thinking of something. "Maybe you hit your head hard or whatever it was is left when I jumped in to save you" Audrey said. Bella signed and nodded. Audrey stood up and eldaand out for Bella and they walked to see Jacob there. "You okay" he asked worriedly looking at Bella. Audrey noticed and sighed. "Yeah were fine" Bella said. They walked back to Bella truck. "Harry didn't make it" Jacob said sadly. Audrey stopped realizing it was her fault. "Where are my brothers" Audrey asked. "Back at the Clearwater house" Jacob said. Audrey nodded and ran to the Clearwater house. When she got there people were oitosde and noticed Audrey. Sam being one of those people. He went up to Audrey and hugged her tightly. "Don't ever do something like that again" Sam said. Audrey hugged back. "Its my fault Harry is gone. I was right there and it happened to fast" Audrey said. "It's not your fault A" Sam said. Audrey sighed and went inside. She saw Leah and Seth crying. Ponyboy holding Seth as he cries. Seth and Ponyboy instantly became friends. Sodapop holding Leah as she cried. They both had just phased into wolves and broke down after they changed back to humans. Audrey sighed and went to Leah. "I'm so sorry" Audrey said. Leah got up and hugged Audrey. Seth came and hugged her as well. Soon both fell asleep and Audrey went home and showered. Then Audrey changed her pajamas and went to sleep.