You all know the Curtis brothers. But what if there was a girl in the family. That's right. My name is Audrey Curtis. I am the second oldest Curtis sibling. When I was 10 years old I had to go live with my grandma because of my ability to shift into...
It was the next morning. The day of the battle. The Curtis siblings stood with the wolves. Audrey outfit
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Soon The Voltouri showed up. The wolves popped out and walked and stood behind the vampires. Jacobs Pack on one side and Sam's on the other. The Curtis siblings were still in the woods waiting for the perfect time. "Aro let's us discuss this how we used too. In a civilized matter"Carlisle said." Fair words Carlisle. Little out of place give the petalium of you have assembled against us" Aro said." I can promise you that was never my intent. No laws have been broken." Carlisle said." we see the child. Do not treat us as fools" Cacuis said. "She is not an immortal. These witnesses can attest to that. Or you can look. See the flesh and human blood in her cheeks" Carlisle said." artifice" Cacuis said." I will collect every faset of the truth. But from someone more central to the story. " Aro said. The sound of loud footsteps were heard. Everyone looked around to see what it was. Then the sound of a roar was heard. And roars following after that. 4 figures were shown were the wolves entered from. It was the Curtis siblings. The Voltouri was shocked to see them. The Curtis's stood in front of both wolf packs. Audrey stood on one side where Sam's pack was. Sodapop on another where Jacobs pack was and Darry in the middle in front of his siblings. Ponyboy walked next to Bella, Edward and Renesmee. "Seems as if Audrey had broken her hybrid curse" Aro said. Audrey just growled at him. It was a loud T rex growl. Her brothers smirking at her. "Back to collecting the truth. Edward as the child clings to you and your newborn mate. I see you have something to do with this. "Aro said. Edward walked up to Aro and gave him his hand. Aro saw and pulled his hand away." I would like to meet her" Aro said. Edward turned around and looked at Bella. Bella looked at Renesmee and they began to walk up to the Voltouri with Ponyboy behind them. Bella stopped and looked at Audrey. Audrey soon left her spot with her brothers and walked with them to the Voltouri. They made it and stood by Edward. "Ah young Bella. Immortality becomes you" Aro said. He looked at Audrey and Ponyboy who stood next to each other by Renesmee." young ponyboy and Audrey. You two have grown so much. Audrey you look just like your mother" Aro said. Audrey nodded and him as a thanks. Aro turned his attention to Renesmee and heard her heart beating. "I hear her strange heart" Aro said. Renesmee looked at Bella. Then at Audrey and held her hand out. Audrey grabbed her hand and walked up toward Aro. "Hello Aro" Renesmee said. Aro held his hand out and Renesmee looked at his hand. "She communicates by putting her hand on your cheek" Audrey said. Aro nodded. Renesmee then put her hand on Aro cheeks and showed him her memories. "Magnifico" Aro said. Audrey pulled Renesmee toward her and held her there. "Half mortal half immortal. Conceived and carried by this newborn while she was still human" Aro said motioning to Bella." impossible" Cacuis said." do you think they fooled me brother" Aro said. Bella, Renesmee and Edward walked away. Audrey and Ponyboy growled at Aro and walked back toward the Cullens. Audrey walked back to Darry and Sodapop." you okay" Soda asked her." yeah" Audrey replied back. "Bring the informer forth" Cacuis said. Irinia walked forward. "Is this the child you saw" Cacuis asked. "Im not sure" Irinia said. "Jane" Cacuis said. "She's changed. This child is much bigger." Irinia said." so your allegations were false" Cacuis asked. "The Cullens are innocent. I take full responsibility for my mistake. " Irinia said. She looked at the Cullens." I'm sorry" she whispered." cacuis no" Edward said. Some Voltouri member ripped Irinia apart." irinia" Tanya and Kate said. They tried to run toward their sister but it was too late. Irinia body was burned. Tanya and Kate tried to fight to get to Irinia. "Shift now" Darry said to Ponyboy. Ponyboy shifted into his Velociraptor form. Audrey put Renesmee on top of him. Tanya and Kate were still fighting to join get Irinia. "Blind them" Edward asked one of the witnesses. She took their sight away. "Give me my sight back" Tanya said. "Tanya this is what they want. If you attack now we all die." Edward said. Tanya nodded and Kate and Tanya got their sight back. Aro looked at Jane and Jane looked at Audrey. "Pain" Jane said. Audrey fell to the ground in pain. Bella stepped up and used he shield around Audrey. Soon Audrey stood up and didn't feel pain anymore. Jane tried to use her gift on more people but it didn't work. Sam growled at the Voltouri. Audrey turned to him and gave him a look. "Stand down now" Audrey said through the mind link she shared with him. Sam stopped am backed up and Audrey looked at the Voltouri. Audrey saw Alec about to use his gift and she growled at him. Aro motioned for Alec to stop. "Aro you see no law broken here" Carlisle said. "Agreed. But it doesn't still involve there is no danger." Aro said. Soon two figures showed up. "Alice" Edward whispered. "Alice" Aro said. "I have proof that the child won't be a threat to our kind or the Curtis's. Let me show you" Alice said holding her hand out. Aro nodded for her to continue. Alice walked up to Aro and gave him her hand. Vision "It doesn't matter what I show you. Even when you see." Alice said then ripped her hand away. "You still won't change your decision" Alice said. She turned to Bella and nodded. Bella nodded back and looked at Audrey. Audrey turned to Ponyboy. She led him near the wolves of Sam's pack. "Be careful. If we don't come back take care of Emily for Darry and her and our family. Be safe the both of you" Audrey said. Ponyboy nodded. "Go" Audrey said. Ponyboy then took off running. Audrey watched as they left. She then walked back to Sodapop and Darry. "Get them" Cacuis said. Alice turned her attention back to Aro and kicked him and he went flying in the air. He landed on the snow safely. The Voltouri members grabbed Alice. The Cullens side took a step forward and the Voltouri did. The wolves growled. The Curtis growled as well. "Take her away" Aro said. "Let her go" Carlisle said as he ran vamp speed to Alice. He jumped and Aro jumped at him. Aro then snapped his head off. Esme gasped and the Cullens were shocked. Cacuis burned Carlisle body. The Cullens began to run at the Voltouri.