"Soon enough The Voltouri left everyone alone and left everyone live in peace. And everyone got to live happily ever after" Audrey finished the story. "That was good momma" her 5 year old son say. DJ or Dallas Johnny Curtis was a suprise and miracle baby. It's not like Audrey or one of the wolves had you know do the dirty but DJ was a gift from Audrey mother. DJ tool the names of his uncles. Dallas Winston and Johnny Cade. Audrey knew they would both be happy about that. "Yeah auntie Audrey" Darry and Emily 4 year old daughter said. Soon after the battle people started to settle down. Darry and Emily got married. Leah and Sodapop. Renesmee and Ponyboy began to date as soon as she aged maturity. Sam, Paul, Jared, Jacob and Embry and Audrey did get married. She took all of their last names. But decided of they were to have kids then they would keep the Curtis last name. Speaking of kids here are the kids. DJ Dallas Johnny Curtis. Son of Audrey Curtis. Adriana Curtis. Daughter of Darrel Curtis and Emily Young. Harry Curtis and Jessica Curtis. Twin Son and daughter of Leah Clearwater and Sodapop Curtis. Ponyboy and Renesmee had recently gotten engaged and were celebrating with their family's. "Look our dad's are here" DJ said. The kids ran to their fathers. Audrey smiled. DJ got picked up by Sam. "Hey there buddy" Paul said to his son. "Hi dads" DJ said. Sam put him down. "Momma was telling us the story of how you all met and your happily ever after" DJ said. "Did she" Jacob said. Audrey smiled. Soon the pack sat down by the bonfire. The Cullens as well. Audrey watched as the kids played. "I wish they would have meet him" Audrey said. "Well that's why we're here" a voice said. They looked to see the greasers gang. The Curtis gasped and ran to the gang. "Finally ponyboy gets himself a women" Two bit teased. "DJ, Adriana, Harry and Jessica come here" Sodapop said. All the kids came up and stood with their parents. "Kids these are your uncles. Two bit, and Steve and your aunt Evie." Darry said. The kids waved at them. "This is my daughter Adriana" Darry said. "My twins Harry and Jessica" Sodapop said. "My son Dallas Johnny or DJ" Audrey said. Two bit and Steve smiled at the name. "My momma said that my names is the name of my uncles" DJ said. "Your momma right little man. Your uncle Johnny and Dallas made your momma happy. I bet your dad's do too" Steve said. DJ nodded and the kids went back to playing. "Dallas and Johnny are smiling at us from heaven for sure" Two bit said. "Yeah watching over us and our kids" Audrey said. In fact they were right. The spirits of Dallas and Johnny stood next to the gang watching the kids. They both were smiling. The gang was complete with or without Johnny and Dallas. Everyone sat down and talked. Audrey smiled at her husbands and her son sitting and playing. She looked toward he siblings who smiled at their family. "We stand as one" Audrey voice said. "We fight as one" Darry voice said. "Always" Ponyboy voice said. "And Forever" Sodapop voice said. "Until Forever ends" all of them said together. "My name is Audrey Uley Lahote Cameron Black Call Curtis." Audrey said. "My name is Darrel Curtis" Darry said. "My name is Sodapop Curtis" Sodapop said. "My name is Ponyboy Curtis" Ponyboy said. "And this was our story" They all said.
The End.

The Outsiders/ Twilight: Audrey Curtis
FanfictionYou all know the Curtis brothers. But what if there was a girl in the family. That's right. My name is Audrey Curtis. I am the second oldest Curtis sibling. When I was 10 years old I had to go live with my grandma because of my ability to shift into...