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Percy had spent a few months in boredom and loneliness. Not long after the war, people seemed to start avoiding him. His girlfriend broke up with him because being with him made nobody willing to approach her. Only those who didn't fear him were willing to converse with him. However, even they didn't treat him normally. The one person who's attitude was no different was Nico, but he was rarely around, living up to his promise not to stay in the camps after the war. Finally, Percy could truly sympathize. Eventually, he just left. His typical exciting mood adjusted to something like his cousin's when he used to be guided by Minos. Except, he had no interest in defying laws or some sort of retribution. He almost learned to enjoy being on his own. The one person who was always around was his mother, who he lived with. Paul was too busy and taken by his work, but Sally refused to let Percy brood at all times. It always brightened up his near total darkness. However, even she seemed to be able to sense his dark presence anytime she was near him now, as a mortal. He felt more like a child of Akhlys or Hades then a child of the sea god. He had fundamentally changed, and she worried it was rather irreversible. 

From Percy's view, there was nothing the world had to offer him anymore. The afterlife held more appeal then staying where he was. But he'd never voluntarily leave his mother like that. Yet, would she want him to keep breathing if she knew of all the emotions and infinite amounts of despair he was left in? He didn't think so. But the only way to find out would be to leave the shell of the person he used to be. There was no chance he'd forsake himself that way. So once again, after eating a whole lot of nothing for the third day in a row, he let himself sleep. He was destined to die that night of natural causes. And so it would've happened. However, when the immortal deity of death itself appeared to reap the boy's soul, he recognized whom he saw. Perseus, his savior in the past, the strongest demigod to exist, he who suffered more than any other. Knowing he could never bring himself to take his life, Thanatos made a decision. Percy would wake up to a new life. Lifting the demigod in his arms, who must've weighed 100 pounds soaking wet, he teleported to his mother's home. Laying him in a bed of shadow, he placed a hand on his forehead, whispering a blessing. Percy's body darkened, shadows creeping out from his direction and attaching to random things around the room, like a web. He stirred in his sleep, mumbling incoherently and shifting slightly. Thanatos left the room and came across Nyx. 'Mother,' he spoke to her mind. 'I have brought someone new to give them a fresh start. He has done a great many favors for me and many others in the past. He is nearly beyond the point of insanity, and I refuse to let him go over the edge. He's asleep in room 216, please have mercy on him, despite any bad blood.' She shot him a glance, which he responded to with a slight tilt of his head and a nod. He was aware of the risk he'd taken bringing Percy here. But his mother loved her children, and while kindness wasn't her strongest suit, she was capable of it. Hopefully, she'd be sympathetic. Just from a touch the embodiment of death could tell Percy was at an all time low. 

Perhaps, if the boy was revived and survived the blessing, which was another risk taken, he'd have a new job if he so desired. Meaning to life could be all it takes to spark something. Or maybe it would be the greatest mistake ever made. Regardless, what's done is done. Prayers are all that could be gone off of. And so, with a few pleadings addressed at the creator, Thanatos left Nyx to her devices. He had souls to deliver. No rest for the wicked, as they say. 

AN: This opener felt alright to me, but more could be done for sure. It felt a little too brief, although there is more to come for me to elaborate on in the future. The future chapters should be longer as well, introductions are generally smaller for me. Anyhow, thank you for reading, and all comments are appreciated!

Future AN: I think this may actually just fit as a short story. Small chapters, with hopefully a fair few events in each. I don't want a lot of filler parts. 

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